and superpose them over an existing photograph. (It's still about laser speed guns / speed traps, i.e. civil application.) I generated the above illustration with ImageMagick, by
Code: Select all
convert -size 101x101 xc:white -strokewidth 1 -stroke black -fill none -draw "circle 50,50 50,56" -draw "line 50,56 50,101" -draw "line 48,75 52,75" -draw "line 46,100 54,100" temp.png
Convert temp.png -rotate 90 temp1.png
Convert -compose multiply -composite temp.png temp1.png temp2.png
Convert temp2.png -rotate 180 temp3.png
Convert -compose multiply -composite temp2.png temp3.png Crosshairs.png
BTW: there seems to be a bug when I use xc:none (what I would actually like to do) and then draw black lines onto that: I get a pure black canvas as a result. If I choose any other colour (say: red) this doesn't happen.