I'd like to convert a dpx to a jpg but getting a result as close as nuke does.
I am using the command below. Close, but not the same colors though. Heaps of variations happening.
Code: Select all
convert -colorspace sRGB input_filename.dpx -set colorspace sRGB -level 0.74%,58%,0.74 -quality 100% output_filename.jpg
I am on Linux(ubuntu 12.01) and I've tried using -profile sRGB.icc but I get the error below:
convert: unable to open image `sRGB.icc': @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2587.
convert: unable to open file `sRGB.icc': @ error/blob.c/FileToBlob/925.
Using Only the command bellow, wihtout the -level option leaves my jpg with a different lookup. The jpg looks washed out.
Code: Select all
convert -colorspace sRGB input_filename.dpx -set colorspace sRGB -quality 100% output_filename.jpg
thank you very much for your attention
Rodrigo Guimaraes