Two bugs in imdisplay.exe

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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Two bugs in imdisplay.exe

Post by hardeerr »

Hello. Just installed ImageMagick DLL version, 32-bit, 8-bit colors onto my Windows 7 PC. (The PC is actually 64-bit but I am building an application that must run on 32-bit systems.) The command-line (convert.exe) works fine, but I found two problems with imdisplay.exe:

First, as others have posted here, if it is launched with a parameter, it crashes.

Second, after it successfully opens a graphic file via the "Open" menu (I used the .miff supplied with it as a demo), if you try to "save as" that image to a different format, it reports no problem but the resulting file is always empty (zero bytes long). This happened with PNG, JPG, and GIF.

Thank you,

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Re: Two bugs in imdisplay.exe

Post by magick »

The imdisplay utility was contributed. We're Linux developers so we can't fix it and we're hoping a Windows developer in the ImageMagick user community will fix these bugs and perhaps extend its functionality. We would remove it from the distribution, but it is useful for displaying images in non-standard formats.
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