Socket operation on non-socket - IM 6.3.7

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Socket operation on non-socket - IM 6.3.7

Post by Bertrand »


I'm using IM for my website for 4 years and since a couple of months I randomly have this issue :
convert: AnErrorHasOccurredWritingToFile myfile.jpeg.png': Socket operation on non-socket.
This happens always on the same command :
convert myfile.jpeg -resize YYYxZZZ myfile.jpeg.png
I have dozens of IM command lines on my website and only this one above triggers the error, randomly.

I'm on Debian.

Any idea ?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Socket operation on non-socket - IM 6.3.7

Post by Bertrand »

No one have ever had this issue ?
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Re: Socket operation on non-socket - IM 6.3.7

Post by Bonzo »

I have no idea what the problem is but the lack of any others saying they have the problem I would guess points to your setup.

Is there a problem with the random files - post a link to one of the bad ones for others to test.
Have you upgraded Debian
Have you upgrade Imagemagick
What version of Imagemagick are you using

Searching Google for "Socket operation on non-socket" on Debian error returns some results and there may be something useful there.
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