JP2 Conversions Bug on Windows

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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JP2 Conversions Bug on Windows

Post by LLW »

I cannot convert a large JP2 image (~ 1000MB) to a JPG. I can convert smaller JP2's (~ 800 MB), but not the larger files. I've used the convert utility with the resize flag, scale flag, or limit flags without any results. DELEGATES show jp2 jpg are installed (IM 6.8.0 for Windows was downloaded directly from IM website).

My errors are always the following...
"error:cannot decode code stream
convert.exe: unable to decode image file 'BALTIMORE201210180200_11.JP2' @error/jp2.c/ReadJP2Image/403."

The image(s) I want converted are here: ... BALTIMORE/
I can successfully convert these smaller files: ... FROSTBURG/

I'm running ImageMagick 6.8.0 Q8 on a Windows XP SP3 32bit machine 2.53 GHz, 1.98 GB RAM. I also tried the Q16 version, but received the same error.
For more details, this issue was initially reported in the Users forum (viewtopic.php?f=1&t=22097)

It appears there is a bug in the code. Mac users can convert these large files successfully showing that the files are not corrupt, and I can view them in QuickTime.
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Re: JP2 Conversions Bug on Windows

Post by magick »

The bug appears to be in the Jasper library under Windows. Post your bug report to the Jasper development group.
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Re: JP2 Conversions Bug on Windows

Post by LLW »

Is the Jasper development group here:

According to their documentation, I'd need information regarding...
- The version of JasPer in which the problem was found.
- The details of the run-time system (i.e., operating system, version number).
- The compiler that you are using (i.e., vendor, version number).
- The exact command line options used when the problem was observed.
- Indicate whether or not the problem is reproducible. If the problem is reproducible, indicate the exact
steps required to reproduce the problem.
- A detailed description of the problem that you are experiencing.
It is essential that you include all of the above information. Failure to do so may result in the bug report
not being processed. Your complete bug report should be sent to
Unfortuantely, I am not knowledgable about JasPer, and only have a basic understanding of how ImageMagick itself works. What version of JasPer is automatically installed with the IM 6.8.0 Q8 and/or Q16? What compiler was used to create the executable or supporting JasPer files for windows? Is there a command specific to JasPer that is used in the background when I run IM's convert? I'm unsure of how to fill out the above information.

Also, if the JasPer bug is fixed, will IM incorporate this into their IM installations as soon as it is available?
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Re: JP2 Conversions Bug on Windows

Post by magick »

We're using Jasper 1.900.1. If you get a bug fix, we'll update the ImageMagick distribution with the patch within just a few days.
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