Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
I keep getting an error when trying to convert a cmyk file to a srgb one- "unable to open file 'sRGB.icc' : no such file or directory." I've been trying the simplest possible form from the IM website:
I've tried putting the -strip and -profile mycustomprofile.icc part right after uvgrid.jpg, and before 8x10colortest.jpg, as well as this combination. Every time I print the output it's the same, and not matching my control print from the same printer. Any ideas?
Diagnosis is difficult without seeing the image and control print.
Why are you stripping the image? If it contains profile data (which is how to translate the pixel numbers into colours, roughly speaking) then you are throwing away that information.
I'm stripping it because we get images with different profiles, so I thought a generic function would be more efficient than doing the -verbose route. I'm still pretty new at this so I'm sure there is a smarter way!
edit: i did it without the strip and it looks like that did the trick- thanks