Hi, thanks for replying.
I'm using ImageMagick 6.5.4-7 on an Amazon S3 instance running Linux. ImageMagick was installed using YUM.
Code: Select all
>convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.5.4-7 2011-01-17 Q16 OpenMP http://www.imagemagick.org
I have tried different options according to the documentation, but in particular the following two fail with exactly the same error:
Code: Select all
convert -extract "1382x1382+173+0" -resize "75x75>" "${1}" -quality "75.0" -
convert -crop "1382x1382+173+0" -resize "75x75>" "${1}" -quality "75.0" -
Where "${1}" is the placeholder im4java uses for the input image.
I should mention that issuing a resize without the crop or extract options works with no problem. I only get the error code 141 when doing a crop or extract.
To add to my confusion, the problem seems to be intermitent. I have tried converting 30 images, and I get an error on file #20, only to retry the same set and get the process to fail on file #25 or #15. This leads me to rule out a problem with the source images.
Any ideas? In particular, Im interested in the meaning of error code 141, which is not documented on Image Magick's website.
Thanks again for any help you can offer,