Code: Select all
Convert xc:white -resize 5250x3886! ( allnumbers.tif[0] -gravity center -background white -extent 2375x3885 +repage -repage 5250x3886+0+0 ) -compose multiply -flatten -compress group4 foo1.tif
convert xc:white -resize 5250x3886! ( allnumbers.tif[1] -crop 2375x3885+125+125 +repage -repage 5250x3886+0+0 ) -compose multiply -flatten -compress group4 foo2.tif
convert xc:white -resize 5250x3886! ( allnumbers.tif[0] -gravity center -background white -extent 2375x3885 +repage -repage 5250x3886+0+0 ) -compose multiply -flatten ( allnumbers.tif[1] -crop 2375x3885+125+125 +repage -repage 5250x3886+0+0 ) -compose multiply -flatten -compress group4 foo3.tif
The file of page numbers, for reference, is at The Batch file above is also at, if that is helpful.
So I start with a white page, and overlay one page number. That works (foo1). I start with a white page, and overlay a different page number, with a slightly variant command. That works (foo2). When I put them together, the second page number doesn't show up. I don't if it is an effect of positioning, if multiply isn't working two times in a row, or if I'm stacking layers badly.