Each areas should cover exactly it's own image (plus margins).
The actual behavior is satisfying only when generating thumbnail maps, where all thumbnails are supposed to have the same dimensions. It's not working for example when generating CSS sprite sheets.
Code: Select all
montage -tile 4x -geometry +20+5 \
"wizard:[20x20]" \
"wizard:[50x50]" \
"wizard:[30x30]" \
"wizard:[200x200]" \
"wizard:[20x20]" \
"wizard:[60x60]" \
"wizard:[40x40]" \
-bordercolor indianred -border 1 w.html
Code: Select all
<map id="w" name="w">
<area href="WIZARD" shape="rect" coords= "0, 0,191,211" alt="" />
<area href="WIZARD" shape="rect" coords="192, 0,383,211" alt="" />
<area href="WIZARD" shape="rect" coords="384, 0,575,211" alt="" />
<area href="WIZARD" shape="rect" coords=" 0,212,191,423" alt="" />
<area href="WIZARD" shape="rect" coords="192,212,383,423" alt="" />
<area href="WIZARD" shape="rect" coords="384,212,575,423" alt="" />
<area href="WIZARD" shape="rect" coords=" 0,424,191,635" alt="" />