Take the logo_sample.jpg image for example, and look at the result of
Code: Select all
convert logo_sample.jpg -resize 500x500\> -define jpeg:preserve-settings junk.jpg
Inspecting with djpeg does not reveal anything significant.
I understand that I can't expect a "perfect" copy when sucking a JPEG into ImageMagick (note that the image is smaller than 500x500, so -resize 500x500\> is a no-op). But the size of the difference is surprising me. A lot. -define jpeg:dct-method=float does not help here.
No surprise with png.
Again: I'm not sure it's a bug. But being that far off even in HDRI mode, in IM6 and IM7 both, is surprising.
Am I missing something (besides possibly underestimating the destructive power of a JPEG toolchain)?