Code: Select all
> convert -size 1x256 gradient:#000-#FFF test.png
> identify test.png
test.png PNG 1x256 1x256+0+0 8-bit sRGB 256c 1.36KB 0.000u 0:00.000
> convert test.png -format "%[channels] - %[colorspace] - %r" info:
srgb - Gray - PseudoClass Gray
> convert test.png -format "%[colorspace] - %[channels] - %r" info:
Gray - gray - PseudoClass Gray
DirectClass and PseudoClass
8-bit and 16-bit
with and without alpha
png and gif and no intermediate file
Saving as miff forces the image from gray to sRGB, even when later converted to png.
Windows 7
Version: ImageMagick 6.8.5-6 2013-05-10 Q16
Features: DPC OpenMP
Delegates: bzlib fontconfig freetype jng jp2 jpeg lcms lzma pango png ps tiff x xml zlib