"Equalize" is an extreme effect that can benefit from other options. For example (in v6.8.5-7):
Code: Select all
convert room.jpg ( +clone -channel RGB -equalize ) -average r.jpg
... seems a good result to me.
A huge number of histogram equalization effects are available using just ImageMagick. In addition, IM can generate a histogram for processing by an external program, to create a clut which is then applied to the image.
I use the external program technique for various processing, including what Wiki calls "contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE)", and various others including my current favourite, which involves finding the first and last peaks in the histogram, and increasing the contrast between the peaks at the expense of contrast outside the peaks. (Hence, the darkest tones will become darker, while the lightest tones will become lighter.)
Your sample result from Fotoware appears to do something similar: the dark doorway becomes very dark, while the middle tones of the right and middle walls have become spread further apart. This is very similar to the result from my script in this post, but slightly more extreme. So a blend instead of average would probably nail it.