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Re: Missing JPG, PNG, TIF in ImageMagick Supported formats

Posted: 2008-05-12T07:54:03-07:00
by digilover
I'm experiencing a similar problem. I'm running ImageMagick 6.3.8 04/03/08 Q16 with imagick 2.1.0.

In my phpinfo( ) output, the value against "ImageMagick Number of supported formats" is "0".

The output of running "convert -list configure" shows the following line regarding delegates:

DELEGATES freetype jpeg jp2 lcms png tiff zlib

imagick has been installed with a standard configure, make, make install.

Does anyone know why the PHP info output would be showing the supported formats as being zero? The upshot of this of course if that I can't work with any image files.

Any suggestions greatfully received.


Re: Missing JPG, PNG, TIF in ImageMagick Supported formats

Posted: 2008-05-12T10:44:25-07:00
by mkoppanen
Can you describe your setup a little? I have seen this before but can not remember what caused it. maybe?

Re: Missing JPG, PNG, TIF in ImageMagick Supported formats

Posted: 2008-06-02T04:26:01-07:00
by digilover
Could you let me know which details you require regarding the setup?


Re: Missing JPG, PNG, TIF in ImageMagick Supported formats

Posted: 2008-06-04T05:49:17-07:00
by digilover
We found the issue. It was down to the permissions. Sorry I can't elaborate more.
