Re: Implement This Filter
Posted: 2013-11-02T18:57:22-07:00
These are all Windows "bat" commands, not bash. Paste them into a file and execute it. For example, paste into a file called "hello.bat" than at the command line type "hello".
Use instead.
Yes. I meant bat. How to implement it at command prompt ?snibgo wrote:These are all Windows "bat" commands, not bash. Paste them into a file and execute it. For example, paste into a file called "hello.bat" than at the command line type "hello".
Code: Select all
FOR /F "usebackq" %L IN (`identify -format "WIDTH=%w\nHEIGHT=%h" e.jpg`) DO set %L
FOR /F %i IN ('identify -ping -format "%[fx:max(%WIDTH%,%HEIGHT%)]" xc:') DO set MAX=%i
FOR /F %i IN ('identify -ping -format "%[fx:int(%MAX%*sqrt(2)+0.5)]" xc:') DO set DIM=%i
convert -size %DIM%x%DIM% radial-gradient: -gravity Center -crop %MAX%x%MAX%+0+0 +repage -resize "%WIDTH%x%HEIGHT%^!" vig_mask.png
Code: Select all
D:\web\im> FOR /F "usebackq" %L IN (`identify -format "WIDTH=%w\nHEIGHT=%h" e.jpg`) DO set %L
D:\web\im>set WIDTH=334
D:\web\im>set HEIGHT=334
D:\web\im> FOR /F %i IN ('identify -ping -format "%[fx:max(%WIDTH%,%HEIGHT%)]" xc:') DO set MAX=%i
D:\web\im>set MAX=334
D:\web\im> FOR /F %i IN ('identify -ping -format "%[fx:int(%MAX%*sqrt(2)+0.5)]" xc:') DO set DIM=%i
D:\web\im>set DIM=472
D:\web\im> convert -size %DIM%x%DIM% radial-gradient: -gravity Center -crop%MAX%x%MAX%+0+0 +repage -resize "%WIDTH%x%HEIGHT%^!" vig_mask.png
Width and Height are getting set. But MAX and DIM are not getting setsnibgo wrote:Pasting those commands into a command window works fine for me.The values for WIDTH, HEIGHT, MAX and DIM will depend on your source file (effect.jpg). I used the left-hand square of the image you supplied.Code: Select all
D:\web\im> FOR /F "usebackq" %L IN (`identify -format "WIDTH=%w\nHEIGHT=%h" e.jpg`) DO set %L D:\web\im>set WIDTH=334 D:\web\im>set HEIGHT=334 D:\web\im> FOR /F %i IN ('identify -ping -format "%[fx:max(%WIDTH%,%HEIGHT%)]" xc:') DO set MAX=%i D:\web\im>set MAX=334 D:\web\im> FOR /F %i IN ('identify -ping -format "%[fx:int(%MAX%*sqrt(2)+0.5)]" xc:') DO set DIM=%i D:\web\im>set DIM=472 D:\web\im> convert -size %DIM%x%DIM% radial-gradient: -gravity Center -crop%MAX%x%MAX%+0+0 +repage -resize "%WIDTH%x%HEIGHT%^!" vig_mask.png
You are, I hope, getting values for WIDTH etc? If not, did you run the first command I put on this thread?
Code: Select all
"%IM%convert" ^
e.jpg ^
( -clone 0 -modulate 100,0,100 ) ^
( -size %DIM%x%DIM% ^
radial-gradient: ^
-gravity Center -crop %MAX%x%MAX%+0+0 +repage ^
-resize "%WIDTH%x%HEIGHT%^!" -negate -write mpr:VIG_MASK -level 50%%,95%% ^
) ^
-composite ^
( -clone 0 -modulate 90,100,100 ) ^
( mpr:VIG_MASK -level 60%%,100%% ) ^
-composite ^
Code: Select all
convert e.jpg ( -clone 0 -modulate 100,0,100 ) ( -size %DIM%x%DIM% radial-gradient: -gravity Center -crop %MAX%x%MAX%+0+0 +repage -resize "%WIDTH%x%HEIGHT%^!" -negate -write mpr:VIG_MASK -level 50%,95% ) -composite ( -clone 0 -modulate 90,100,100 ) ( mpr:VIG_MASK -level 60%,100% ) -composite e3.png
Code: Select all
convert car.jpg \
\( +clone -level 10x100% \) \
\( -clone 0 -fill black -colorize 100 -fill white -draw "circle 160,160 320,160" -blur 0x50 \) \
\( -clone 2 -negate -clone 1 -clone 0 -reverse -compose over -composite \) -delete 0,1 \
\( +clone -level 0x90% \) \
\( -clone 1 -clone 2 -clone 0 -compose over -composite \) -delete 1,2 \
\( +clone -colorspace sRGB -intensity rec709luminance -colorspace gray -set colorspace RGB -colorspace sRGB \
+level-colors "#3a0a59","#fea957" -level 5x85% -alpha set -channel a -evaluate set 70% +channel \) \
\( -clone 1 -clone 2 -clone 0 -compose over -composite \) -delete 0,1,2 \
\( +clone -fill "#1b1b1b" -colorize 100 -alpha set -channel a -evaluate set 70% +channel +clone +swap \
-compose screen -composite \) \
\( +clone -fill "#d29901" -colorize 100 -alpha set -channel a -evaluate set 50% +channel +clone +swap \
-compose colordodge -composite \) \
\( -clone 0 -fill black -colorize 100 -fill white -draw "circle 160,160 290,160" -blur 0x50 \) \
-delete 0 -alpha off -compose over -composite car_toaster.jpg
Code: Select all
convert car.jpg ^
( +clone -level 10x100%% ) ^
( -clone 0 -fill black -colorize 100 -fill white -draw "circle 160,160 320,160" -blur 0x50 ) ^
( -clone 2 -negate -clone 1 -clone 0 -reverse -compose over -composite ) -delete 0,1 ^
( +clone -level 0x90%% ) ^
( -clone 1 -clone 2 -clone 0 -compose over -composite ) -delete 1,2 ^
( +clone -colorspace sRGB -intensity rec709luminance -colorspace gray -set colorspace RGB -colorspace sRGB ^
+level-colors "#3a0a59","#fea957" -level 5x85%% -alpha set -channel a -evaluate set 70%% +channel ) ^
( -clone 1 -clone 2 -clone 0 -compose over -composite ) -delete 0,1,2 ^
( +clone -fill "#1b1b1b" -colorize 100 -alpha set -channel a -evaluate set 70%% +channel +clone +swap ^
-compose screen -composite ) ^
( +clone -fill "#d29901" -colorize 100 -alpha set -channel a -evaluate set 50%% +channel +clone +swap ^
-compose colordodge -composite ) ^
( -clone 0 -fill black -colorize 100 -fill white -draw "circle 160,160 290,160" -blur 0x50 ) ^
-delete 0 -alpha off -compose over -composite car_toaster.jpg
Thanks. It did take a few hours to get it all working correctly. The tutorial was a little obscure for those not fully familiar with PS.snibgo wrote:That's a heroic effort, fmw. The Windows version looks and works fine.
e.jpgsnibgo wrote:Pasting your command into a command window works for me.
What values do you have for WIDTH, HEIGHT, DIM and MAX? Please post e.jpg and e3.png. (Put them somewhere like and paste the URLs here.)