Re: Tiff with layers boolean?
Posted: 2015-08-07T23:45:03-07:00
In PSD, it adds a new 0 layer, which is the flattened combination of the two original layers in the TIFF.
Use instead.
Code: Select all
$ tiffinfo greenscreen_people_sitting/xoio_people_sitting_001.tif 2> /dev/null | perl -ne 'if (/^\s*Tag 37724:\s*(.*)/) {print map {s/^0x(.*)/pack("H*", sprintf("%02x", hex($1)))/re} split(/,/, $1)}' | strings | grep 8BIMLayr
Code: Select all
$ tiffinfo test.tif 2> /dev/null | perl -ne 'if (/^\s*Tag 37724:\s*(.*)/) {print map {s/^0x(.*)/pack("H*", sprintf("%02x", hex($1)))/re} split(/,/, $1)}' | strings | grep 8BIMLayr
$ tiffinfo test.tif 2> /dev/null | perl -ne 'if (/^\s*Tag 37724:\s*(.*)/) {print map {s/^0x(.*)/pack("H*", sprintf("%02x", hex($1)))/re} split(/,/, $1)}' | strings | grep MIB8ryaL
Code: Select all
$ exiv2 -pS test{,2}.tif | egrep -i '(STRUCTURE|offset \||0x935c)'
address | tag | type | count | offset | value
298 | 0x935c | UNDEFINED | 111516 | 92724 | ...
address | tag | type | count | offset | value
298 | 0x935c | UNDEFINED | 111516 | 95440 | ...
Code: Select all
$ od -cv -j 92724 -N 111516 test.tif | head -50
0265064 A d o b e P h o t o s h o p
0265104 D o c u m e n t D a t a B l
0265124 o c k \0 M I B 8 n r T M \0 \0 \0 \0
0265144 M I B 8 r y a L 035 263 001 \0 002 \0 025 \0
0265164 \0 \0 026 \0 \0 \0 d 001 \0 \0 q 001 \0 \0 004 \0
0265204 377 377 e 303 \0 \0 \0 \0 030 \r \0 \0 001 \0 4 231
0265224 \0 \0 002 \0 030 \r \0 \0 M I B 8 m r o n
0265244 377 \0 \b \0 , 001 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 ( \0 \0 \0
0265264 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377
0265304 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377
0265324 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \a L a y e r 0
0265344 M I B 8 i n u l 024 \0 \0 \0 \a \0 \0 \0
0265364 L \0 a \0 y \0 e \0 r \0 \0 0 \0 \0 \0
0265404 M I B 8 d i y l 004 \0 \0 \0 \b \0 \0 \0
0265424 M I B 8 l b l c 004 \0 \0 \0 001 \0 \0 \0
0265444 M I B 8 x f n i 004 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0
0265464 M I B 8 o k n k 004 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0
0265504 M I B 8 f p s l 004 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0
0265524 M I B 8 r l c l \b \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0
0265544 \0 \0 \0 \0 M I B 8 d m h s H \0 \0 \0
0265564 001 \0 \0 \0 M I B 8 t s u c \0 \0 \0 \0
0265604 4 \0 \0 \0 020 \0 \0 \0 001 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \b \0
0265624 \0 \0 m e t a d a t a 001 \0 \0 \0 \t \0
0265644 \0 \0 l a y e r T i m e b u o d Y
0265664 336 ` 356 ` q 325 A \0 M I B 8 p r x f
0265704 020 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0
0265724 \0 \0 \0 \0 k \0 \0 \0 o \0 \0 \0 022 001 \0 \0
0265744 ! 001 \0 \0 004 \0 377 377 l # \0 \0 \0 \0 ^ \a
0265764 \0 \0 001 \0 ^ \a \0 \0 002 \0 ^ \a \0 \0 M I
0266004 B 8 m r o n 263 \0 \b \0 , 001 \0 \0 \0 \0
0266024 \0 \0 ( \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0
0266044 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0
0266064 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \a L
0266104 a y e r 1 M I B 8 i n u l 024 \0
0266124 \0 \0 \a \0 \0 \0 L \0 a \0 y \0 e \0 r \0
0266144 \0 1 \0 \0 \0 M I B 8 d i y l 004 \0
0266164 \0 \0 \t \0 \0 \0 M I B 8 l b l c 004 \0
0266204 \0 \0 001 \0 \0 \0 M I B 8 x f n i 004 \0
0266224 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 M I B 8 o k n k 004 \0
0266244 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 M I B 8 f p s l 004 \0
0266264 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 M I B 8 r l c l \b \0
0266304 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 M I B 8 d m
0266324 h s H \0 \0 \0 001 \0 \0 \0 M I B 8 t s
0266344 u c \0 \0 \0 \0 4 \0 \0 \0 020 \0 \0 \0 001 \0
0266364 \0 \0 \0 \0 \b \0 \0 \0 m e t a d a t a
0266404 001 \0 \0 \0 \t \0 \0 \0 l a y e r T i m
0266424 e b u o d 315 336 ` 356 ` q 325 A \0 M I
0266444 B 8 p r x f 020 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0
0266464 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 001 \0 \f \0 \f \0
0266504 \f \0 \f \0 020 \0 024 \0 030 \0 036 \0 $ \0 ( \0
Code: Select all
$ od -cv -j 95440 -N 111516 test2.tif | head -50
0272320 A d o b e P h o t o s h o p
0272340 D o c u m e n t D a t a B l
0272360 o c k \0 8 B I M M T r n \0 \0 \0 \0
0272400 8 B I M L a y r \0 001 263 035 \0 002 \0 \0
0272420 \0 025 \0 \0 \0 026 \0 \0 001 d \0 \0 001 q \0 004
0272440 377 377 \0 \0 303 e \0 \0 \0 \0 \r 030 \0 001 \0 \0
0272460 231 4 \0 002 \0 \0 \r 030 8 B I M n o r m
0272500 377 \0 \b \0 \0 \0 001 , \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 (
0272520 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377
0272540 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377
0272560 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \a L a y e r 0
0272600 8 B I M l u n i \0 \0 \0 024 \0 \0 \0 \a
0272620 \0 L \0 a \0 y \0 e \0 r \0 \0 0 \0 \0
0272640 8 B I M l y i d \0 \0 \0 004 \0 \0 \0 \b
0272660 8 B I M c l b l \0 \0 \0 004 001 \0 \0 \0
0272700 8 B I M i n f x \0 \0 \0 004 \0 \0 \0 \0
0272720 8 B I M k n k o \0 \0 \0 004 \0 \0 \0 \0
0272740 8 B I M l s p f \0 \0 \0 004 \0 \0 \0 \0
0272760 8 B I M l c l r \0 \0 \0 \b \0 \0 \0 \0
0273000 \0 \0 \0 \0 8 B I M s h m d \0 \0 \0 H
0273020 \0 \0 \0 001 8 B I M c u s t \0 \0 \0 \0
0273040 \0 \0 \0 4 \0 \0 \0 020 \0 \0 \0 001 \0 \0 \0 \0
0273060 \0 \b m e t a d a t a \0 \0 \0 001 \0 \0
0273100 \0 \t l a y e r T i m e d o u b A
0273120 325 q 257 355 241 027 5 \0 8 B I M f x r p
0273140 \0 \0 \0 020 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0
0273160 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 k \0 \0 \0 o \0 \0 001 022
0273200 \0 \0 001 ! \0 004 377 377 \0 \0 # l \0 \0 \0 \0
0273220 \a ^ \0 001 \0 \0 \a ^ \0 002 \0 \0 \a ^ 8 B
0273240 I M n o r m 263 \0 \b \0 \0 \0 001 , \0 \0
0273260 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 ( \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0
0273300 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0
0273320 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \0 \0 377 377 \a L
0273340 a y e r 1 8 B I M l u n i \0 \0
0273360 \0 024 \0 \0 \0 \a \0 L \0 a \0 y \0 e \0 r
0273400 \0 \0 1 \0 \0 8 B I M l y i d \0 \0
0273420 \0 004 \0 \0 \0 \t 8 B I M c l b l \0 \0
0273440 \0 004 001 \0 \0 \0 8 B I M i n f x \0 \0
0273460 \0 004 \0 \0 \0 \0 8 B I M k n k o \0 \0
0273500 \0 004 \0 \0 \0 \0 8 B I M l s p f \0 \0
0273520 \0 004 \0 \0 \0 \0 8 B I M l c l r \0 \0
0273540 \0 \b \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 8 B I M s h
0273560 m d \0 \0 \0 H \0 \0 \0 001 8 B I M c u
0273600 s t \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 4 \0 \0 \0 020 \0 \0
0273620 \0 001 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \b m e t a d a t a
0273640 \0 \0 \0 001 \0 \0 \0 \t l a y e r T i m
0273660 e d o u b A 325 q 257 355 241 027 253 \0 8 B
0273700 I M f x r p \0 \0 \0 020 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0
0273720 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 001 \0 \f \0 \f
0273740 \0 \f \0 \f \0 020 \0 024 \0 030 \0 036 \0 $ \0 (
dlemstra wrote:Can you share your image on something like dropbox? The one where you think/know that it has layers?
I had thought about this earlier. I wish I would have tried it. I just did a test and saved a layered tiff in photoshop using the MAC byte order. Sure enough "%[tiff:has-layers]" worked and returned 'true'. (thanks for adding this!)246246 wrote:When I save tiff in Photoshop (CS6 Windows), if I select Byte Order as Macintosh, the bytes will becomes 8BIMLayr, that is detectable layer from ImageMagick.
But if I select IBM PC, it becomes MIB8ryaL that is undetectable for ImageMagick.
I have tried to create a patch (against 6.9.1-10) and currently it works for your image (and my image also).josephaaroncampbell wrote: Now that I can see how this works, is there a way for this to function with 'IBM PC' byte order?
Code: Select all
diff -uprN coders/psd.c
--- 2015-07-25 05:15:38.000000000 +0900
+++ coders/psd.c 2015-08-11 05:14:32.457317121 +0900
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ static inline size_t GetPSDPacketSize(Im
static inline MagickSizeType GetPSDSize(const PSDInfo *psd_info,Image *image)
if (psd_info->version == 1)
- return((MagickSizeType) ReadBlobMSBLong(image));
+ return((MagickSizeType)(image->endian==2 ? ReadBlobMSBLong(image) : ReadBlobLSBLong(image)));
return((MagickSizeType) ReadBlobMSBLongLong(image));
@@ -592,55 +592,55 @@ static void ParseImageResourceBlocks(Ima
-static CompositeOperator PSDBlendModeToCompositeOperator(const char *mode)
+static CompositeOperator PSDBlendModeToCompositeOperator(const char *mode, MagickStatusType isLsb)
if (mode == (const char *) NULL)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"norm",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"norm":"mron",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"mul ",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"mul ":" lum",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"diss",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"diss":"ssid",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"diff",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"diff":"ffid",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"dark",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"dark":"krad",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"lite",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"lite":"etil",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"hue ",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"hue ":" euh",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"sat ",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"sat ":" tas",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"colr",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"colr":"rloc",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"lum ",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"lum ":" mul",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"scrn",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"scrn":"nrcs",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"over",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"over":"revo",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"hLit",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"hLit":"tiLh",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"sLit",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"sLit":"tiLs",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"smud",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"smud":"dums",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"div ",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"div ":" vid",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"idiv",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"idiv":"vidi",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"lbrn",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"lbrn":"nrbl",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"lddg",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"lddg":"gddl",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"lLit",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"lLit":"tiLl",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"vLit",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"vLit":"tiLv",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"pLit",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"pLit":"tiLp",4) == 0)
- if (LocaleNCompare(mode,"hMix",4) == 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare(mode,isLsb==MagickFalse?"hMix":"xiMh",4) == 0)
@@ -827,16 +827,20 @@ static inline MagickOffsetType *ReadPSDR
+ MagickStatusType
+ isLsb;
+ isLsb = image->endian == 1 ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse;
offsets=(MagickOffsetType *) AcquireQuantumMemory(size,sizeof(*offsets));
if(offsets != (MagickOffsetType *) NULL)
for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) size; y++)
if (psd_info->version == 1)
- offsets[y]=(MagickOffsetType) ReadBlobMSBShort(image);
+ offsets[y]=(MagickOffsetType) (isLsb == MagickTrue ? ReadBlobLSBShort(image) : ReadBlobMSBShort(image));
- offsets[y]=(MagickOffsetType) ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
+ offsets[y]=(MagickOffsetType) (isLsb == MagickTrue ? ReadBlobLSBLong(image) : ReadBlobMSBLong(image));
return offsets;
@@ -1134,7 +1138,8 @@ static MagickStatusType ReadPSDLayer(Ima
- status;
+ status,
+ isLsb;
@@ -1142,12 +1147,13 @@ static MagickStatusType ReadPSDLayer(Ima
+ isLsb = image->endian == 1 ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse;
if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
(void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(),
" setting up new layer image");
(void) SetImageBackgroundColor(layer_info->image);
- layer_info->image->compose=PSDBlendModeToCompositeOperator(
- layer_info->blendkey);
+ layer_info->image->compose=PSDBlendModeToCompositeOperator(layer_info->blendkey, isLsb);
if (layer_info->visible == MagickFalse)
@@ -1179,7 +1185,7 @@ static MagickStatusType ReadPSDLayer(Ima
(void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(),
" reading data for channel %.20g",(double) j);
- compression=(PSDCompressionType) ReadBlobMSBShort(layer_info->image);
+ compression=(PSDCompressionType) (isLsb == MagickTrue) ? ReadBlobLSBShort(layer_info->image) : ReadBlobMSBShort(layer_info->image);
if (layer_info->channel_info[j].type == -1)
@@ -1222,7 +1228,8 @@ ModuleExport MagickStatusType ReadPSDLay
- status;
+ status,
+ isLsb;
register ssize_t
@@ -1232,21 +1239,23 @@ ModuleExport MagickStatusType ReadPSDLay
+ isLsb = image->endian == 1 ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse;
if (size == 0)
Skip layers & masks.
- (void) ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
+ (isLsb == MagickTrue) ? (void) ReadBlobLSBLong(image) : (void) ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
count=ReadBlob(image,4,(unsigned char *) type);
- if ((count == 0) || (LocaleNCompare(type,"8BIM",4) != 0))
+ if ((count == 0) || (LocaleNCompare(type,(isLsb == MagickTrue) ? "MIB8" : "8BIM",4) != 0))
count=ReadBlob(image,4,(unsigned char *) type);
- if ((count != 0) && (LocaleNCompare(type,"Lr16",4) == 0))
+ if ((count != 0) && (LocaleNCompare(type,(isLsb == MagickTrue) ? "61rL": "Lr16",4) == 0))
@@ -1256,7 +1265,7 @@ ModuleExport MagickStatusType ReadPSDLay
if (size != 0)
layer_info=(LayerInfo *) NULL;
- number_layers=(short) ReadBlobMSBShort(image);
+ number_layers=(short)((isLsb == MagickTrue) ? ReadBlobLSBShort(image) : ReadBlobMSBShort(image));
if (number_layers < 0)
@@ -1307,13 +1316,13 @@ ModuleExport MagickStatusType ReadPSDLay
if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
(void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(),
" reading layer #%.20g",(double) i+1);
- layer_info[i].page.y=(int) ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
- layer_info[i].page.x=(int) ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
- y=(int) ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
- x=(int) ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
+ layer_info[i].page.y=(int)(isLsb == MagickTrue ? ReadBlobLSBLong(image) : ReadBlobMSBLong(image));
+ layer_info[i].page.x=(int)(isLsb == MagickTrue ? ReadBlobLSBLong(image) : ReadBlobMSBLong(image));
+ y=(int)(isLsb == MagickTrue ? ReadBlobLSBLong(image) : ReadBlobMSBLong(image));
+ x=(int)(isLsb == MagickTrue ? ReadBlobLSBLong(image) : ReadBlobMSBLong(image));
layer_info[i].page.width=(ssize_t) (x-layer_info[i].page.x);
layer_info[i].page.height=(ssize_t) (y-layer_info[i].page.y);
- layer_info[i].channels=ReadBlobMSBShort(image);
+ layer_info[i].channels=isLsb == MagickTrue ? ReadBlobLSBShort(image) : ReadBlobMSBShort(image);
if (layer_info[i].channels > MaxPSDChannels)
@@ -1328,7 +1337,7 @@ ModuleExport MagickStatusType ReadPSDLay
layer_info[i].page.width,(double) layer_info[i].channels);
for (j=0; j < (ssize_t) layer_info[i].channels; j++)
- layer_info[i].channel_info[j].type=(short) ReadBlobMSBShort(image);
+ layer_info[i].channel_info[j].type=(short)(isLsb == MagickTrue ? ReadBlobLSBShort(image) : ReadBlobMSBShort(image));
layer_info[i].channel_info[j].size=(size_t) GetPSDSize(psd_info,
if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
@@ -1338,7 +1347,7 @@ ModuleExport MagickStatusType ReadPSDLay
(double) layer_info[i].channel_info[j].size);
count=ReadBlob(image,4,(unsigned char *) type);
- if ((count == 0) || (LocaleNCompare(type,"8BIM",4) != 0))
+ if ((count == 0) || (LocaleNCompare(type,(isLsb == MagickTrue)?"MIB8":"8BIM",4) != 0))
if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
(void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(),
@@ -1361,7 +1370,7 @@ ModuleExport MagickStatusType ReadPSDLay
layer_info[i].visible ? "true" : "false");
(void) ReadBlobByte(image); /* filler */
- size=ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
+ size=(isLsb == MagickTrue) ? ReadBlobLSBLong(image) : ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
if (size != 0)
@@ -1371,19 +1380,19 @@ ModuleExport MagickStatusType ReadPSDLay
if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
(void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(),
" layer contains additional info");
- length=ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
+ length=(isLsb == MagickTrue) ? ReadBlobLSBLong(image) : ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
if (length != 0)
Layer mask info.
- layer_info[i] ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
- layer_info[i] ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
+ layer_info[i] == MagickTrue ? ReadBlobLSBLong(image) : ReadBlobMSBLong(image));
+ layer_info[i] == MagickTrue ? ReadBlobLSBLong(image) : ReadBlobMSBLong(image));
- (ReadBlobMSBLong(image)-layer_info[i];
+ ((isLsb == MagickTrue ? ReadBlobLSBLong(image) : ReadBlobMSBLong(image))-layer_info[i];
- (ReadBlobMSBLong(image)-layer_info[i];
+ ((isLsb == MagickTrue ? ReadBlobLSBLong(image) : ReadBlobMSBLong(image))-layer_info[i];
layer_info[i].mask.background=(unsigned char) ReadBlobByte(
layer_info[i].mask.flags=(unsigned char) ReadBlobByte(image);
@@ -1411,7 +1420,7 @@ ModuleExport MagickStatusType ReadPSDLay
- length=ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
+ length=(isLsb == MagickTrue) ? ReadBlobLSBLong(image) : ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
if (length != 0)
@@ -1427,8 +1436,8 @@ ModuleExport MagickStatusType ReadPSDLay
for (j=0; j < (ssize_t) (length); j+=8)
- size_t blend_source=ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
- size_t blend_dest=ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
+ size_t blend_source=(isLsb == MagickTrue) ? ReadBlobLSBLong(image) : ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
+ size_t blend_dest=(isLsb == MagickTrue) ? ReadBlobLSBLong(image) : ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
(void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(),
" source(%x), dest(%x)",(unsigned int)
diff -uprN coders/tiff.c
--- 2015-07-24 10:06:38.000000000 +0900
+++ coders/tiff.c 2015-08-11 05:02:21.920607749 +0900
@@ -971,13 +971,13 @@ static void TIFFReadPhotoshopLayers(Imag
for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) layer_info->length-8; i++)
- if (LocaleNCompare((const char *) (layer_info->datum+i),"8BIM",4) != 0)
+ if (LocaleNCompare((const char *) (layer_info->datum+i),image->endian==2?"8BIM":"MIB8",4) != 0)
- if ((LocaleNCompare((const char *) (layer_info->datum+i),"Layr",4) == 0) ||
- (LocaleNCompare((const char *) (layer_info->datum+i),"LMsk",4) == 0) ||
- (LocaleNCompare((const char *) (layer_info->datum+i),"Lr16",4) == 0) ||
- (LocaleNCompare((const char *) (layer_info->datum+i),"Lr32",4) == 0))
+ if ((LocaleNCompare((const char *) (layer_info->datum+i),image->endian==2?"Layr":"ryaL",4) == 0) ||
+ (LocaleNCompare((const char *) (layer_info->datum+i),image->endian==2?"LMsk":"ksML",4) == 0) ||
+ (LocaleNCompare((const char *) (layer_info->datum+i),image->endian==2?"Lr16":"61rL",4) == 0) ||
+ (LocaleNCompare((const char *) (layer_info->datum+i),image->endian==2?"Lr32":"23rL",4) == 0))
I noticed one minor limitation (even in MAC Byte Order). If you saved empty layer in Photpshop - one layer has some image and another is really blank, it still exists in Photoshop when reopened. But ImageMagick ignore it, "%[tiff:has-layers]" does not return true. However it happens also true in psd, so I think it is limited feature. I believe it is usually harmless. But If you have to consider such tiff as "has-layers", you have to check binary (inside 37724 tag) somehow whether it contains 8BIMLayr (or MIB8ryaL). I hope you don't have such weird tiff.josephaaroncampbell wrote:I had thought about this earlier. I wish I would have tried it. I just did a test and saved a layered tiff in photoshop using the MAC byte order. Sure enough "%[tiff:has-layers]" worked and returned 'true'. (thanks for adding this!)
I also hoped so... I have to spend some time to find ReadPSDRLEOffsets() need to be fixed.dlemstra wrote:Thanks for the help. I was hoping that I did not have to touch psd.c but it seems I have to![]()
Of course you can do a better job, I'm just learning from source and do a quick & dirty work.dlemstra wrote:You are more then welcome to submit a new patch for this, but I can also do this myself tomorrow.
dlemstra wrote:Would it be possible for either of you to share a 16-bit LSB Tiff file from Photoshop? I would like to test my changes with a 16-bit file also.
dlemstra wrote:Thanks for providing that file (I love the colors). I just submitted a patch to our GIT repository to resolve this issue for LSB TIFF files. This will be resolved in the next version of ImageMagick (6.9.2-0).
Code: Select all
:: this script returns true or false if tiff file has layers, then output filename of true images to txt file
:: change the drive to the supplied image file or folders drive location
::make the file/folder the current directory
CD "%~p1"
::for every tiff DO the following actions
FOR %%a in (*.tif) DO (
ECHO 1: %%a
FOR /F %%b IN ('identify -quiet -format "%%[tiff:has-layers]" %%a[0]') DO (
ECHO 2: %%b
IF %%b == true ECHO %%a>>IM.txt
Another odd one found at viewtopic.php?f=1&t=28259246246 wrote: I noticed one minor limitation (even in MAC Byte Order). If you saved empty layer in Photoshop - one layer has some image and another is really blank, it still exists in Photoshop when reopened. But ImageMagick ignore it, "%[tiff:has-layers]" does not return true. However it happens also true in psd, so I think it is limited feature. I believe it is usually harmless. But If you have to consider such tiff as "has-layers", you have to check binary (inside 37724 tag) somehow whether it contains 8BIMLayr (or MIB8ryaL). I hope you don't have such weird tiff.![]()
Code: Select all
d:\tmp>identify -quiet Original.tif
Original.tif[0] TIFF 1200x1200 1200x1200+0+0 8-bit CMYK 6.542MB 0.016u 0:00.017
Original.tif[1] TIFF 1140x696 1140x696+30+252 8-bit CMYK 0.000u 0:00.006
d:\tmp>identify -quiet Original.tif[0]
Original.tif[0]=>Original.tif TIFF 1200x1200 1200x1200+0+0 8-bit CMYK 0.000u 0:00.000
d:\tmp>identify -quiet Original.tif[1]
d:\tmp>identify -quiet -format "%[tiff:has-layers]\n" Original.tif[0]
Code: Select all
d:\tmp>identify -quiet -verbose Original.tif | find /i "Filesize"
Filesize: 6.542MB
Filesize: 0B