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Re: 6 images (cube map) into equirectangular?

Posted: 2017-09-19T08:58:07-07:00
by fmw42
I am not sure I understand what you need. Can you explain further? Are you talking about multiple panoramas or one panorama with multiple output images.

My next script will be to take one panorama and have the user specify a direction (or point on the panorama) and a field of view and correct that to a perspective view. You could script that to move around a panorama or extract one frame from multiple panoramas.

Nevertheless, it will be slow due to the use of -fx.

Re: 6 images (cube map) into equirectangular?

Posted: 2017-09-20T11:51:12-07:00
by fmw42
I have posted my new script, sphericalpano2rect, at my link below.

Re: 6 images (cube map) into equirectangular?

Posted: 2017-10-03T07:41:53-07:00
by jumpjack
I'll check if I can use this script to automate the task of obtaining sub-frames from spherical frames of a video.

Re: 6 images (cube map) into equirectangular?

Posted: 2017-12-13T02:42:56-07:00
by curiousLurker

I registered here, now just to help you. What you are looking for is made by Facebook (a filter to convert between cubemap and equirectangular projection formats) and they have released it to general public An integration of this with FFMPEG is easy to do. I have done it and used it on Linux platform, but it should be straight forward on many other platforms which supports ffmpeg builds. Hope this helps. If you need further help, do reach out. Good luck

Re: 6 images (cube map) into equirectangular?

Posted: 2018-02-09T11:42:59-07:00
by jumpjack
I'm very in trouble using Linux, but thanks fo the link.