Hi Fred, I do actually have a question about an option that bugs me
This is my final code now (urls removed):
/usr/bin/magick /happy-bd.jpg \
\( https://91e8b811d51b1474a21fbe.jpg -resize 200 -bordercolor white -border 6 -bordercolor grey60 -border 1 -alpha set -background none -rotate -5 \) -geometry +20+10 -composite \
\( /paperclip.png \) -geometry +30+17 -composite \
\( -background none -fill white -font ./lib/felt.ttf -size 480x100 -gravity Center caption:'Hi {{NAME}}, we hope to see you soon!
CODE: FREEDESSERT' -trim -bordercolor rgba\(0,0,0,0.5\) -border 10 \) -gravity South -geometry +0+120 -composite \
-quality 65 /1541329006.jpg
The last section which adds the text has a 50% transparent black background, but I'm not able to succesfully add a border around that rectangle. When i add/use things like the following the best I got was it placed an entire rectangle of the border/stroke color under the text again instead of just the outline around my 50% black background:
-fill none -stroke white
-stroke white -strokewidth 1
or (a variation of)
I did have a working version of this with the PHP version where i used draw based on XY co-ordinated, but now i am using this cmd version (which is much better).
Am I missing some basic fundamental and correct way of writing this code?
Last but not least, if you don't mind i have two other questions. Don't want to start a new thread just for those:
1. For a digital loyalty card, we now use 5 JPGs each corresponds to a stamp (1-5), but I think this would work great with unlimited stamps (max. is set in script settings). If I were to use a stamp.png file (much like the paperclip in the above sample) and want to put those in a random (natural stamped) XY(+slightly rotated) position in a certain area (like lower third of image), what would you suggest is the best way for that? Clone, Tile, Copy? I would basicly check with my script how many stamps a person already has and then add one to it until the end is reached in which case they have 0 again. I can use a while loop to print the X stamps.
2 (solved, sort of). Can you point me to a manual where i can find what these syntaxes preceeded by : mean, like rose: in this sample "convert rose: -crop". I think i read it means it is stored in cache and that name (rose) can be anything, but when do you use that? And then there were all those other "name:" variations I saw, but not where i could find the explanantions.
Edit: found another sample just now "xd:" in
convert xc:red -bordercolor yellow -border 1 \
-filter Gaussian +distort SRT 33,0 -normalize dot_distort.jpg
Edit2: I now know canvas: is the newer xd:, but still not sure what to do with it:) I assume rose: is the name of the canvas(?)
Edit3 (just in case others read this who are not sure what it means:
An image name ending with a colon ":" is a built-in facility of ImageMagick, rather than a file that contains an image.
"rose:" is an image that is built-in to ImageMagick. Instead of using a filename, "rose:" simply provides a standard test image. Other built-in images include "wizard:" and "logo:".
https://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-s ... hp?t=30201
I appreciate your awesome willingness to keep sharing all these years, almost all threads I read have your name in it:)