Sorry for my slow responses today because I am sick & out of energy. That is also why my thinking is slowed :-/. I noted that the mask does not contain all the shadows that should be there. It should contain all shadows which are on routes and walls of buildings. The shadows on grass are not included. The dots of shadows are colored and not like I expected.
The mask I have created by my script using -HSL and -fuzz:
Looked more correct than the mask bellow:
But both should be in white black color of sure.
I need to suppress the shadows. I did this in Photoshop but it takes more steps. But I think I would like to try to use
MPR first, and then to do the suppress of shadows:
Select the pixels from the image (aerial photo of city / daylight)
using mask
copy this to MPR and name it e.g. "original_routes" - I will use this at least 2x or 3x in the following steps
3) use
new layer - lets call it "Routes shadows
71% visibility"
this is a group in fact which will apply 71% visibility for the steps bellow
4) grab the
copy of "original_routes"
use levels: input values: 0 , 1 , 95 (default input values in Photoshop are 0, 1, 255 ; output is unchanged : 0 , 255)
6) apply effect: soft light blending ... I cannot to explain it but maybe here is some definition: ... _Light.htm
You should get image of shadows like this:
it gives light "blue light" color to the image area which is under it.
7) create
new layer from the previous layer
Change hue to +160 ... The range in Photohop is -180* to 180* and the original value is 0. So when you add +160 and apply the
soft light and
visibility of this layer is
so you removed a lot of the blue from the shadows:
10) additionally create
new layer
11) again use new
copy of "original_routes"
here I need to change color of cyan channel (I did this in separate window because my file is in RGB)
I used these values for curves: input: 57 output: 81
apply color blending (this will effect colors of the image bellow - we still work only with the pixels of shadows - the pixels copy the color)
This removes most of the blues in shadows and makes it a bit darker:
Notice: all steps have effect. If you exclude one step I will notice the difference. I you example would skip effect of hue 160° applied at 43% visibility, you would have much darker shadows now.
12) now check the point 3) - now is time to apply visibility to all those layers: 71%
And we're done.
There is yet another layer but that is for green shadows not for on-route shadows.
Compare original and the result (detail from another area)
My actual code: