I ran these tests and do not see any visual difference, except with catrom and the others. I do not see any difference between spline16 and spline64, nor between spline64 and lanczos.
magick logo128.png -colorspace RGB -define filter:lobes=16 -filter splinelobes -resize 400% -colorspace sRGB logo128_spline16.png
magick logo128.png -colorspace RGB -define filter:lobes=36 -filter splinelobes -resize 400% -colorspace sRGB logo128_spline36.png
magick logo128.png -colorspace RGB -define filter:lobes=64 -filter splinelobes -resize 400% -colorspace sRGB logo128_spline64.png
magick logo128.png -colorspace RGB -filter lanczos -resize 400% -colorspace sRGB logo128_lanczos.png
magick logo128.png -colorspace RGB -filter catrom -resize 400% -colorspace sRGB logo128_catrom.png
Code: Select all
magick compare -metric rmse logo128_lanczos.png logo128_spline16.png null:
628.19 (0.00958556)
magick compare -metric rmse logo128_lanczos.png logo128_spline36.png null:
628.19 (0.00958556)
magick compare -metric rmse logo128_lanczos.png logo128_spline64.png null:
628.19 (0.00958556)
These results are identical. The verbose information says we have different filters, but each successive ones have more and more zero values at the end of the list. So it looks like it is just spline16 padded out with zeroes. Is this a bug?