I suspect you haven't adjusted your script for v7, which isn't documented yet. Use "-script" instead of "@". Try something like this:
Code: Select all
%IMGF%magick -script heatmap.mgk
Code: Select all
# This is a script file for ImageMagick v7.
# IM ignores lines beginning with #.
# Blank lines are ignored.
# As IM directly reads this file, there is no line-continuation character etc.
# Unlike v6, we need to "-write" the final image, then "-exit".
# Execute this script with the command:
# %IMGF%magick -script heatmap.mgk
# where %IMGF% is the directory of magick.exe, and this file is named "heatmap.mgk".
# See also http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/bugs/IMv7_Scripting.txt
# The output file is PNG, so it is 16-bit integer.
# Intermediate processing is HDRI (32-bit float).
# To write the output as 32-bit float, replace last two lines with:
# -depth 32 -define quantum:format=floating-point
# -write heatmap_coloured.tiff
# -exit
-size 1000x1000
( -size 100x100 radial-gradient: ) -gravity center -geometry +300+300 -compose Plus -composite
( -size 100x100 radial-gradient: ) -gravity center -geometry +180+80 -compose Plus -composite
( -size 100x100 radial-gradient: ) -gravity center -geometry +180+80 -compose Plus -composite
-size 1x250
) -clut
-write heatmap_coloured.png