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Tiff Reader which shows all tags and values

Posted: 2007-10-30T20:27:58-07:00
by hanifa
Has anyone written a sample program or does there exist any external program which can read in Tiff files and print out to console/file etc all the tags and values and all other information about the Tiff file.
I tried commercial applications but they only show simplistic information like image width and height only.. :(

Thanks in advance. :)

Re: Tiff Reader which shows all tags and values

Posted: 2007-10-30T23:28:34-07:00
by jpiquemal
Konvertor will show you the details (under Windows)
Click a TIFF then click the tab 'Specs'

Re: Tiff Reader which shows all tags and values

Posted: 2007-10-30T23:58:18-07:00
by hanifa
jpiquemal wrote:Hello
Konvertor will show you the details (under Windows)
Click a TIFF then click the tab 'Specs'
sweet, man...
Cool software ..Btw, I am actually writing a tiff reader and this sw will help me to double check the data....