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Re: Hard Shadows go missing below image

Posted: 2007-11-22T20:58:35-07:00
by anthony
See IM Examples on Shadows
But from the command line given I see you have done that.

An example image may also have been useful so I can see what is happening.

The first command is as described. no problem.
Second command....

Code: Select all

convert rose: ( +clone -background green -shadow 80x0-5+5 ) +swap -background red -layers merge +repage shadow_other3a.jpg
Hmm yes this is clearly wrong. the hard shadow was clipped.
Looks as if you have found some bug.

Checking the result from the -shadow operator

Code: Select all

convert rose: -background green -shadow 80x0-5+5 info:
rose: ROSE 70x46 66x51-4+5 DirectClass 16-bit
The result is the right size and offset, The canvas size is also a reasonable setting, as it can not accommodate a negative offset.

As such the problem must be with the new -layers merge operator. The combined image is expanded horizontally correctly, just not vertically. Checking code...

Found the fault, correcting. The next IM point release (6.3.7-2) should have the fix. Thanks. Good spotting.