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Issue with Average in ImageMagick-6.3.7-1-Q16-windows-dll...

Posted: 2007-11-28T08:50:44-07:00
by GreyBeard

I have been using PerlMagick (under Windows XP) for a while to create animated GIF files from JPG pictures. Just had to rebuild my development machine (as the old one finally died, lost track of what the older version was in the process, have not touched this code for at least a year) and thus upgraded to the current version of ImageMagick only to find that the average method no longer returns the same results. I have looked through the comments on the board but am not sure if the pending fix will address what I am seeing.


In creating the animated GIF, I create tween images by loading the first and second image into a new ImageMagick object and then use the average command. The older version of ImageMagick would then return a merged image that contained visual elements of both the original images. With the current version of ImageMagick the returned image appears to be a slightly offset and blurry version of the first image.

Is this a known bug, or has the usage of average changed?

Here is the basic code:
$tweenImage = Image::Magick->new();
$imgAvg = $tweenImage->Average();


Re: Issue with Average in ImageMagick-6.3.7-1-Q16-windows-dll...

Posted: 2007-11-28T11:09:01-07:00
by magick
The problem you reported is fixed in ImageMagick 6.3.7-2 Beta scheduled for release within a week or two.

Re: Issue with Average in ImageMagick-6.3.7-1-Q16-windows-dll...

Posted: 2007-11-28T13:00:24-07:00
by GreyBeard
Thanks, guess I just need to wait then.

Is there a patched version available before that?

Re: Issue with Average in ImageMagick-6.3.7-1-Q16-windows-dll...

Posted: 2007-11-28T13:08:00-07:00
by magick
You can grab the patch from now.