using php, achiving multiple imaageMagick tasks in 1 exec()
Posted: 2008-01-11T22:29:22-07:00
I searched and experimented but to no solution.
first scenario - the following is executed, works great.
second scenario - if certain other option such as file info etc. are requested, the following takes place in addition to above mentioned.
in second scenario it goes through 2 image file saves before its again saved for the last time, so many quality differences occur from the first scenario. So What I'd like to know is, if it's possible to implement the following 3 exec's into 1 exce with only 1 image save.
Thanks in advance.
first scenario - the following is executed, works great.
Code: Select all
exec("convert -resize {$width}x{$width} $mImage -quality 75 $tImage");
Code: Select all
exec("convert -size {$info_width}x{$info_height} xc:black $tImage -gravity north -geometry +0+1 -composite -quality 75 $tImage");
exec("convert +size $tImage -pointsize $ifontsize -font \"$ifont\" -fill \"$irgba\" -gravity south -annotate +0+1 \"$itext\" -quality 75 $tImage");
Code: Select all
exec("convert -resize {$width}x{$width} $mImage -quality 75 $tImage");
exec("convert -size {$info_width}x{$info_height} xc:black $tImage -gravity north -geometry +0+1 -composite -quality 75 $tImage");
exec("convert +size $tImage -pointsize $ifontsize -font \"$ifont\" -fill \"$irgba\" -gravity south -annotate +0+1 \"$itext\" -quality 75 $tImage");