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Problem with CMYK - A Bug?

Posted: 2008-01-25T08:04:39-07:00
by kleinstadtmc

i have problems with cmy jpg files
if i try to save the file on a other place with a other name i get a segmentation fault
but if i try the same with a rgb jpg file - it works

and the funny thing is i think yesterday it works with cmyk files...
is it possible that a part of imagemagick for cmyk files is shut down or something like that?

here is my code

Code: Select all

convert uploads/cmyk.jpg temp/new_cmyk.jpg

Re: Problem with CMYK - A Bug?

Posted: 2008-01-25T09:15:50-07:00
by kleinstadtmc
now i tried something out and now i think i know the problem

if i have a cmyk file were a profile is included -> it works
if i have a cmyk file were no profile is included -> i get the segmentation error

sombody who knows a solution for this?

because i try to create a programm in php where user can put their image onto webspace
and maybe i can happen that a image is without a profile

(i hope you understand me - my english is not so god) :D

Re: Problem with CMYK - A Bug?

Posted: 2008-01-25T10:04:38-07:00
by magick
Post a URL to your image that produces the segmentation fault. We will download it and attempt to reproduce the problem. If it faults for us, we will have a solution for you most likely by tomorrow.

Re: Problem with CMYK - A Bug?

Posted: 2008-01-25T23:43:08-07:00
by kleinstadtmc
ok thank you

here is a link to a zip file

inside of this zip file are two jpgs

friends.jpg -> it has no profile and it works not
friends2.jpg -> it has a profile and it works

i have tested it on a other server with imagemagick version 6.2.9
and there is no problems with these files...

my ohter server were these files not works has a newer version
i think it is 6.3.5

Re: Problem with CMYK - A Bug?

Posted: 2008-01-26T10:04:56-07:00
by magick
We suspect a bug in the code that handles image profiles in ImageMagick 6.3.5. We tried your images with the latest ImageMagick release, 6.3.8-1, and it converts your images without complaint.

Re: Problem with CMYK - A Bug?

Posted: 2008-01-29T00:27:56-07:00
by kleinstadtmc
ok - now it works very well....

thank you for your support