I'm facing a very strange problem with the convert tool. I hope you can help me with this.
I run imagemagick on two quite similar machines(both Debian etch).
On machine A the command:
Code: Select all
width=`identify -format %w '/var/www/pics/picture.jpg'`; convert -background '#0008' -fill white -pointsize 14 -gravity west -size 300x caption:'comment' +size '/var/www/pics/picture.jpg' +swap -gravity southeast -composite '/var/www/pics/picture.jpg'
On machine B, although the folder structure and the permissions are identical, the convert tool returns to the same command "convert: no such image `/var/www/pics/picture.jpg'.". The file is there, no question! I have no idea what causes this flaw.
I'd really appreciate any help on this.
Thanks in advance!