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Wrong colour drawing CMYK rectangle

Posted: 2008-03-05T02:30:44-07:00
by MarcinG

I believe the is a problem with cmyk colour when drawing, I do use the following code:

Code: Select all

convert -density 300x300 -colorspace CMYK -depth 8 -fill "[b]cmyk(100%, 60%, 0, 30%)"[/b] -draw "rotate '-10' rectangle 3000,2500 4196,2858'" -font "AGaramondPro-Semibold.otf" -pointsize 45.8 -fill "cmyk(255, 255, 255, 255)" -draw "rotate '-10' text 3150,2750 'COUPON!'" output.tif rec.tif

The colour of the rectangle is supposed to be dark blue, but it gets orange (cmyk(0, 34%, 66%, 0).

Am I doing it the wrong way?

Re: Wrong colour drawing CMYK rectangle

Posted: 2008-03-05T03:15:46-07:00
by MarcinG
I discovered that CMYK bevahes like RGB with Alpha, so:

C goes for Red
M goes for Green
Y goes for Blue
K is aplha transparency

Can u tell me what that is?
Do You know any solutions?

Re: Wrong colour drawing CMYK rectangle

Posted: 2008-03-05T07:55:22-07:00
by magick
Drawing requires the RGBA color model. Internally, images are stored as RGB(A) or CMY(A)K.

Re: Wrong colour drawing CMYK rectangle

Posted: 2008-03-05T08:06:07-07:00
by MarcinG
Thank You for the reply.