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possible bug in IM 6.4.0-10 converting PDF

Posted: 2008-04-25T16:16:32-07:00
by fmw42
I am not too familiar with converting PDF files in IM. I can convert from another image format to PDF but not the other way.

convert logo: logo.png
convert logo.png logo.pdf
convert logo.pdf logo2.png
sh: line 1: gsc: command not found
convert: Postscript delegate failed `logo.pdf': No such file or directory.
convert: missing an image filename `logo2.png'.

I am running Mac OSX Tiger PPC and IM 6.4.0-10 Q16-hdri.

I successfully installed Ghostscript (ghostscript-8.61.tar.gz) many IM releases ago and never noticed any problems.

convert -list configure shows freetype and gs installed:

DELEGATES bzlib fontconfig freetype gs jpeg jp2 lcms lqr openexr png tiff x11 xml zlib

What am I missing or not understanding about conversion from PDF to another format? Is this a bug?



Re: possible bug in IM 6.4.0-10 converting PDF

Posted: 2008-04-25T16:25:01-07:00
by magick
Something screwy is going on. The command utility ImageMagick requires is 'gs' not 'gsc'. Why is it trying to execute gsc on your system? Add -verbose and post the output here.

Re: possible bug in IM 6.4.0-10 converting PDF

Posted: 2008-04-25T16:30:03-07:00
by fmw42
convert -verbose logo.pdf logo2.png
"gsc" -q -dQUIET -dPARANOIDSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dMaxBitmap=500000000 -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=0 "-sDEVICE=pnmraw" -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 "-r72x72" "-sOutputFile=/var/tmp/magick-gDiWbdS9" "-f/var/tmp/magick-UCLCjPHK" "-f/var/tmp/magick-IddfwEPL"
sh: line 1: gsc: command not found
convert: Postscript delegate failed `logo.pdf': No such file or directory.
convert: missing an image filename `logo2.png'.

Here it is with -debug all:

convert -debug all logo.pnf logo2.png
2008-04-25T16:32:16-07:00 0:01 0.000u 6.4.0 Configure convert[1641]: utility.c/unknown/809/Configure
Command line: convert {-debug} {all} {logo.pnf} {logo2.png}
2008-04-25T16:32:16-07:00 0:01 0.000u 6.4.0 Configure convert[1641]: configure.c/unknown/482/Configure
Searching for configure file: "/usr/local/lib/ImageMagick-6.4.0/config/coder.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:16-07:00 0:01 0.000u 6.4.0 Configure convert[1641]: configure.c/unknown/482/Configure
Searching for configure file: "/usr/local/share/ImageMagick-6.4.0/config/coder.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:16-07:00 0:01 0.000u 6.4.0 Configure convert[1641]: configure.c/unknown/482/Configure
Searching for configure file: "/usr/local/share/doc/ImageMagick-6.4.0/coder.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:16-07:00 0:01 0.000u 6.4.0 Configure convert[1641]: configure.c/unknown/482/Configure
Searching for configure file: "/usr/local/share/ImageMagick-6.4.0/coder.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:16-07:00 0:01 0.000u 6.4.0 Configure convert[1641]: configure.c/unknown/482/Configure
Searching for configure file: "/Users/fred/.magick/coder.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:16-07:00 0:01 0.000u 6.4.0 Configure convert[1641]: configure.c/unknown/482/Configure
Searching for configure file: "coder.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:16-07:00 0:01 0.000u 6.4.0 Configure convert[1641]: coder.c/unknown/634/Configure
Loading coder map "/usr/local/share/ImageMagick-6.4.0/config/coder.xml" ...
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.010u 6.4.0 Module convert[1641]: module.c/unknown/1077/Module
Searching for module "PNF" using filename ""
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.010u 6.4.0 Module convert[1641]: module.c/unknown/479/Module
Searching for coder module file "" ...
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.010u 6.4.0 Locale convert[1641]: locale.c/unknown/498/Locale
Searching for locale file: "/usr/local/lib/ImageMagick-6.4.0/config/locale.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.010u 6.4.0 Locale convert[1641]: locale.c/unknown/498/Locale
Searching for locale file: "/usr/local/share/ImageMagick-6.4.0/config/locale.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.010u 6.4.0 Locale convert[1641]: locale.c/unknown/498/Locale
Searching for locale file: "/usr/local/share/doc/ImageMagick-6.4.0/locale.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.010u 6.4.0 Locale convert[1641]: locale.c/unknown/498/Locale
Searching for locale file: "/usr/local/share/ImageMagick-6.4.0/locale.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.010u 6.4.0 Locale convert[1641]: locale.c/unknown/498/Locale
Searching for locale file: "/Users/fred/.magick/locale.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.010u 6.4.0 Locale convert[1641]: locale.c/unknown/498/Locale
Searching for locale file: "locale.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.010u 6.4.0 Configure convert[1641]: locale.c/unknown/831/Configure
Loading locale map "/usr/local/lib/ImageMagick-6.4.0/config/locale.xml" ...
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.030u 6.4.0 Configure convert[1641]: locale.c/unknown/831/Configure
Loading locale map "/usr/local/lib/ImageMagick-6.4.0/config/english.xml" ...
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.100u 6.4.0 Exception convert[1641]: blob.c/unknown/2425/Exception
unable to open image `logo.pnf': No such file or directory
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.100u 6.4.0 Cache convert[1641]: cache.c/unknown/2162/Cache
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.100u 6.4.0 Module convert[1641]: module.c/unknown/1077/Module
Searching for module "PNF" using filename ""
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.100u 6.4.0 Module convert[1641]: module.c/unknown/479/Module
Searching for coder module file "" ...
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.100u 6.4.0 Configure convert[1641]: configure.c/unknown/482/Configure
Searching for configure file: "/usr/local/lib/ImageMagick-6.4.0/config/delegates.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.100u 6.4.0 Configure convert[1641]: configure.c/unknown/482/Configure
Searching for configure file: "/usr/local/share/ImageMagick-6.4.0/config/delegates.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.110u 6.4.0 Configure convert[1641]: configure.c/unknown/482/Configure
Searching for configure file: "/usr/local/share/doc/ImageMagick-6.4.0/delegates.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.110u 6.4.0 Configure convert[1641]: configure.c/unknown/482/Configure
Searching for configure file: "/usr/local/share/ImageMagick-6.4.0/delegates.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.110u 6.4.0 Configure convert[1641]: configure.c/unknown/482/Configure
Searching for configure file: "/Users/fred/.magick/delegates.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.110u 6.4.0 Configure convert[1641]: configure.c/unknown/482/Configure
Searching for configure file: "delegates.xml"
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.110u 6.4.0 Configure convert[1641]: delegate.c/unknown/1166/Configure
Loading delegate map "/usr/local/lib/ImageMagick-6.4.0/config/delegates.xml" ...
2008-04-25T16:32:17-07:00 0:01 0.120u 6.4.0 Exception convert[1641]: convert.c/unknown/2651/Exception
missing an image filename `logo2.png'
convert: unable to open image `logo.pnf': No such file or directory.
convert: missing an image filename `logo2.png'.

Re: possible bug in IM 6.4.0-10 converting PDF

Posted: 2008-04-25T16:32:10-07:00
by magick
Edit delegates.xml and change gsc to gs. We're clueless how gsc was substituted when gs is expected.

Re: possible bug in IM 6.4.0-10 converting PDF

Posted: 2008-04-25T16:40:04-07:00
by fmw42
That worked. It was gsc in about 10 places all related to PS, PDF, EPS etc.

After the edit, the command worked fine:

convert logo.pdf logo2.png
