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same bug in converting to/from PDF in IM 6.4.0-11

Posted: 2008-04-27T16:36:06-07:00
by fmw42
I just upgraded to IM 6.4.0-11 from IM 6.4.0-10 on Mac OSX Tiger. I am having the same problem converting to/from PDF as I had in 6.4.0-10:

freds-mac-mini:~ fred$ convert rose: rose.png
freds-mac-mini:~ fred$ convert rose.png rose.pdf
freds-mac-mini:~ fred$ convert rose.pdf rose2.png
sh: line 1: gsc: command not found
convert: Postscript delegate failed `rose.pdf': No such file or directory.
convert: missing an image filename `rose2.png'.



I will edit the delegates.xml file again.

You may want to look into this further as it keeps happening.

Re: same bug in converting to/from PDF in IM 6.4.0-11

Posted: 2008-04-29T17:49:43-07:00
by fmw42
I notice in the changelog:

2008-04-20 6.4.0-10 Chris Madison <madisonblu@hotma...>
Updated to the latest autoconf/automake/libtool scripts.

Might this be related to the problem I am getting with the delegates.xml containing "gcs" rather than "gs"?

This was the release, 6.4.0-10, where it started to happen.

Re: same bug in converting to/from PDF in IM 6.4.0-11

Posted: 2008-04-29T18:26:41-07:00
by magick
Doh! You must have the Ghostscript framework installed. The framework has a gsc program rather than gs. Use a file/folder search and see if you can find the gsc program

Re: same bug in converting to/from PDF in IM 6.4.0-11

Posted: 2008-04-29T18:39:27-07:00
by fmw42
Yes, I had to install the Ghostscript framework to get Ghostscript properly installed as IM configure complained about that. When I installed it many releases ago, it was working fine. But at about IM 6.4.0-10, I started to get the above problem.

I have done

find / | grep gsc

but it only found:


The Ghostscript framework is installed at