How to compile FULLY STATIC under LInux?

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How to compile FULLY STATIC under LInux?

Post by Klaws »


I need to deploy ImageMagick's "convert" utility on a a shared host, where I don't have access to /usr/lib, env or anything else except the webspace. I can however drop a binary into the webspace, chmod it to 755 and run it (from the Apache context).

So what I did was to install Debian at home (inclunding gcc, and libtiff*-dev, libpng*.dev, jasper*-dev, etc) and compile a static version of ImageMagick (V6.4.0). I used the follging vonfigure command:

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./configure --enable-shared
The result was (among others) a "convert" binary with (very roughly) 6.5MB size. However, after deployment on the shared host, "convert" complains about a missing "" library (I also had to deploy the *.xml files to the web root, of course). A quick check with "ldd" on the development machine revealed indeed that the "static compile" of "convert" still requires shared libraries - none of ImageMagick's shared libraries, just the "standard libraries" like libtiff and libpng.

Just to verify thing I then tries a configure/make/deploy/test cycle with

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./configure --enable-shared --without-tiff --without-freetype --without-jpeg --without-jp2 --without-png --without-tiff
and everything went fine on the shared host - except, of course, that "convert" was now limited to handle GIFs. Unfortunately, I need it to handle JPEGs and PNGs as well....

My idea is that a fully static compile (or at least a compile where libtiff and libpng and whatever image format handling library is required) might help. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to get this done. Has anyone an idea on how to enlighten the linker to do what I want? Or any other solution, other than switching hosts?

Thanks, and best regards, Klaus
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Re: How to compile FULLY STATIC under LInux?

Post by magick »

For static deployment we add each delegate library to the ImageMagick folder named by its format name (e.g. ImageMagick-6.4.0/tiff for the TIFF delegate). Next build each delegate library static (e.g. ./configure --disable-shared). Now build ImageMagick with these options:
  • cd ImageMagick-6.4.0
    ./configure --disable-shared --enable-delegate-build
The --enable-delegate-build option tells ImageMagick to pick up the local static version of the delegate library rather than the system shared delegate library.

Re: How to compile FULLY STATIC under LInux?

Post by Klaws »

Thank you very much, it works!

Well, actually it still insist on ignoring libjpeg.a, but that's of no concern for me. :-)

Best regards, Klaus
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