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Cannont Allocate Memory

Posted: 2008-05-02T13:11:07-07:00
by riegel

I have used ImageMagick for about 6 years. I am setting up a new server and I am running this...

Code: Select all

convert -font Helvetica -pointsize 40 -fill "#ffffff" -draw "gravity center text 0,0 '9877'" /usr/home/mediaserver/html/clearimage/tmp/.TEMP/verify009TEMP.jpg MIFF:/usr/home/mediaserver/html/clearimage/tmp/.TEMP/verify009TEMP.jpg 2>&1
I get this error...

Code: Select all

convert: UnableToConcatenateString `Cannot allocate memory
If I run the command from the command line it works fine, but it just seems to be when running this particular command from my web server. I say this particular command because I can runn other commands without incident. Also the image referenced is less than 10kb, so it isn't a large file at all.

Any ideas on where I can start looking? The server is running FreeBSD and Apache.

Some may want to know about the bigger picture i.e. why am I using MIFF etc. This command is in a chain of commands and the last command uses JPG as the destination format. MIFF provides a lossless chain. Also all the other commands are completing without any trouble.

In case it is helpful here is the string of commands that are running...

Code: Select all

identify -format "<x>%w</x> <y>%h</y> <m>%m</m>" /usr/home/mediaserver/html/clearimage/tmp/verify009.jpg
convert -quality 100 /usr/home/mediaserver/html/clearimage/tmp/verify009.jpg MIFF:/usr/home/mediaserver/html/clearimage/tmp/.TEMP/verify009TEMP.jpg 2>&1
convert -font Helvetica -pointsize 40 -fill "#ffffff" -draw "gravity center text 0,0 '9877'" /usr/home/mediaserver/html/clearimage/tmp/.TEMP/verify009TEMP.jpg MIFF:/usr/home/mediaserver/html/clearimage/tmp/.TEMP/verify009TEMP.jpg 2>&1
convert -interlace none -quality 80 /usr/home/mediaserver/html/clearimage/tmp/.TEMP/verify009TEMP.jpg JPEG:/usr/home/mediaserver/html/clearimage/tmp/.TEMP/verify009TEMP.jpg 2>&1
identify -format "<x>%w</x> <y>%h</y> <m>%m</m>" /usr/home/mediaserver/html/clearimage/tmp/.TEMP/verify009TEMP.jpg
If I run these commands from the command line they work fine.