Re: convert: subimage specification returns no images
Posted: 2008-05-18T19:45:58-07:00
> convert -depth 8 -size 2048x2048 -delay 6.5 -scale 50% gray:abc.raw[750-999] abc.gif
This tells ImageMagick to start reading the first gray image at file offset 3,145,728,000. It then reads 250 images, each 2048x2048 rows / columns. This implies your image is about 4GB. Is this what you expect? If not, let us know how you expect the command to behave and we'll investigate.
This tells ImageMagick to start reading the first gray image at file offset 3,145,728,000. It then reads 250 images, each 2048x2048 rows / columns. This implies your image is about 4GB. Is this what you expect? If not, let us know how you expect the command to behave and we'll investigate.