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ImageMagick 6.4.2.Q8 chrash when reading in CIELAB 8-bit TIF

Posted: 2008-06-26T12:58:33-07:00
by somebody
I am using ImageMagick 6.4.2.Q8 (on Windows, since forced to), trying to compose 50 images into a larger one with the following command.

convert -size 365x365 xc:skyblue \
Pic1_cielab.tif -geometry +0+0 -composite \
Pic2_cielab.tif -geometry +365+0 -composite \

Pic1 and Pic2 are tiff images, having a CIELab encoding (8-bit) which load just fine in Photoshop etc. I am unsure, wheter they are compressed TIFFs. When running the above IM command, I get the following error message and no output

"ImageMagick Studio library and utility programs has encountered a problem
and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

As a counter test, running the same command on png or jpg files works just fine and as expected.

Any help would be appreciated, since I couldn't find any info on that on the web/forums.

Thanks for your time,

P.S.: Context Info:
I have to manipulate a 25000px x 5000px colorimetrically accurate image in = Matlab (applying some fancy blockwise math to it). Since the whole image is= to big to work with, I'd like to segment it down into blocks of 1000px x 1000px (with ImageMagick?), doing the math with them in Matlab, and then combining them afterwards with ImageMagick into a single large picture again.

Re: ImageMagick 6.4.2.Q8 chrash when reading in CIELAB 8-bit TIF

Posted: 2008-06-26T18:00:57-07:00
by magick
Post a URL to one or two images that we can download and use to reproduce the problem. We need to determine if the fault is in ImageMagick or the TIFF delegate library.

Re: ImageMagick 6.4.2.Q8 chrash when reading in CIELAB 8-bit TIF

Posted: 2008-06-27T15:02:36-07:00
by somebody
Thanks for your willingness to look into that.

I have uploaded two pictures. They are mostly black and boring, but have the mentioned Cielab encoding in its 8-bit variant. In the meantime, I have verified, that these pictures are slightly compressed (by a few percent). I don't know anything about the specific compression chosen, except that it is the default of Matlabs "imwrite()" routine, which was used to generate all the files I want to combine. However, I have generated uncompressed files by using a flag in that routine, which have exhibited the same problem in ImageMagick (chrash).

Thanks again,
and best regards from sunny (and smoky) California

Re: ImageMagick 6.4.2.Q8 chrash when reading in CIELAB 8-bit TIF

Posted: 2008-06-27T16:41:30-07:00
by magick
We have a patch for the problem you reported in ImageMagick 6.4.2-1. This release will be available within a day or two.

Re: ImageMagick 6.4.2.Q8 chrash when reading in CIELAB 8-bit TIF

Posted: 2008-07-01T17:16:22-07:00
by somebody
Thanks a lot! Combining Tiff images is now as easy and powerful as everything else in IM.
You really saved my project with this ultra-fast patch effort.

Grateful best regards from California,


P.S.: I found it useful to put the "-colorspace Lab" option directly after the convert command, such that the lab output has the right encoding.