efficient canvas resize?
Posted: 2008-07-02T17:04:55-07:00
ImageMagick 6.4.2
I have a Magick::Image object in memory. I would like to increase the image size (not resampling) by a few rows on top and bottom using the background color. I can't find an efficient way to do this. extent(...) will only add to the bottom and right. border(...) will only add to both sides equally. crop(...) will only decrease the size. I know I must be missing something. Do I really have to create a new image and copy over the old?
I have a Magick::Image object in memory. I would like to increase the image size (not resampling) by a few rows on top and bottom using the background color. I can't find an efficient way to do this. extent(...) will only add to the bottom and right. border(...) will only add to both sides equally. crop(...) will only decrease the size. I know I must be missing something. Do I really have to create a new image and copy over the old?