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Converting pdfs into jpgs

Posted: 2008-07-07T11:35:25-07:00
by mro7805
I'm new to using IM and I am using it for a project i am working on.. and every i try to convert my pdf into a jpg it rotates it... does anyone know why that is happening? I dont want the files to rotate.. i want them to just convert as they are into a jpg.

"convert -quiet -quality 100 -density 96 -resize 950x ".$_FILES['image']['tmp_name']." /tmp/".$tmp_file.".jpg";

it rotates the image.. i dont know if it has something to do with it being landscape or what? but if i put

"convert -rotate '90<' -quiet -quality 100 -density 96 -resize 950x ".$_FILES['image']['tmp_name']." /tmp/".$tmp_file.".jpg";
its doesnt rotate it but when you upload non-landscape items it rotates it..

