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Re: Hung on corrupted gif

Posted: 2008-07-20T13:36:58-07:00
by magick
The problem you reported is fixed in ImageMagick 6.4.2-5 Beta available sometime tomorrow. Thanks.

Re: Hung on corrupted gif

Posted: 2008-12-04T03:31:16-07:00
by Mumonkan
i see in the changelog (2008-07-20 6.4.2-5 Cristy) this problem may have been fixed. ("Certain corrupt GIF images no longer hang")

i just installed the latest version from source (6.4.6-9) and i am still seeing convert hang on certain gifs, specifically animated ones. it would seem this problem occurs (among other places?) when you try to crop to a size bigger than the existing gif size. for example, the following command hung on both of these gifs from two different sources.

convert -crop 210x175+-20+0 hang.gif out.gif

i would greatly appreciate help in solving this problem.

Re: Hung on corrupted gif

Posted: 2008-12-04T07:07:50-07:00
by magick
We can reproduce the problem you reported and have a fix. It will be available sometime tomorrow in ImageMagick 6.4.7-0 Beta. Thanks.

Re: Hung on corrupted gif

Posted: 2008-12-12T16:15:30-07:00
by Mumonkan
thanks! this fix seemed to have worked. or at least its not hanging anymore, eating up cpu!

i *very much* appreciate the fast response!


Re: Hung on corrupted gif

Posted: 2012-09-18T12:22:07-07:00
by scwebgfx
I'm having trouble with the same thing i just spent an hour on the phone with hostgator trying to figger out why are gif images corrupted on my site. they said were running the latest imagemagick on my account and "/usr/bin/" is my path to imagemagick
they dont know why the gif images arnt working! If you can help I would appreciate it. Thanks!

Here's a pic of profile pic. corrupted gif. ... webgfx.jpg


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