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Segmentation fault with display

Posted: 2008-09-11T07:59:36-07:00
by naoliv

Trying to reproduce the bug report from ... +bug/43323 I am getting a segmentation fault with ImageMagick 6.4.3-4, when running display 'vid:*.jpg' inside a dir with jpeg files:

Code: Select all

Starting program: /usr/bin/display 'vid:*.jpg'
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread 0xb78c5710 (LWP 26599)]
[New Thread 0xb7572b90 (LWP 26602)]

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0xb78c5710 (LWP 26599)]
ReadVIDImage (image_info=0x87eba70, exception=0x85d1030)
    at ./magick/monitor-private.h:28
28	./magick/monitor-private.h: No such file or directory.
	in ./magick/monitor-private.h
#0  ReadVIDImage (image_info=0x87eba70, exception=0x85d1030)
    at ./magick/monitor-private.h:28
	filelist = (char **) 0x87eb4c8
	label = <value optimized out>
	image = (Image *) 0x0
	images = (Image *) 0x85e6240
	montage_image = <value optimized out>
	next_image = (Image *) 0x85e6240
	thumbnail_image = <value optimized out>
	read_info = (ImageInfo *) 0x87e3570
	number_files = 22
	status = <value optimized out>
	montage_info = <value optimized out>
	geometry = {width = 120, height = 90, x = 4, y = 3}
	i = 0
#1  0xb7ef9620 in ReadImage (image_info=0x880d000, exception=0x85d1030)
    at magick/constitute.c:441
	filename = "*.jpg\000��'��l\231\005�\000(��8L\201\b�'���`��\000(��\000\020\000\000\000\000\000\000l\231\005�\000(��8L\201\b\0308��D\217\001�8L\201\b\000(��O\v\005�\b8��\0008��\001\000\000\000\002\000\000\000�V\214�display.dither\000\000etry\00051\000splayrc\000`\021ѷ\000\000\000\000H(���F]\b`\021ѷ\001\000\000\000X(��D\215·`\021ѷ\002\000\000\000h(��D\215·`\021ѷ\030J]\b\020J]\bD\215·`\021ѷ\000\000\000\000"...
	magick = "VID", '\0' <repeats 41 times>, "/home/naoliv/.displayrc", '\0' <repeats 1417 times>, "AV��", '\0' <repeats 60 times>, "����\000\000\000�", '\0' <repeats 26 times>, "`p|\036��\000\000\000\000W迷\002\036��\226OϷ\001\000\000\000��з8 ���\036��\002\000\000\000\223翷\226OϷ91.1551\000\n\000\000\000`\036��\002", '\0' <repeats 23 times>, "9\000\000\0001\000\000\000.\000\000\0001\000\000\0005\000\000\0005\000\000\0001\000\000\000�\036��\003\000\000\000\004", '\0' <repeats 26 times>...
	magick_filename = "vid:*.jpg\000���>��\b(��3�\001@\000\020\000\000\000\000\000\000�\027��\000\000\000\000\t(��", '\0' <repeats 436 times>, "\224\t����з�\t��\000\000\000\000\003\000\000\000\024Y·(]ɷ@\036]\b��з\000\020\000\0004\n���p�@\036]\b\000@\f�\000P\f�\001\000\000\000����\000\000\000\000\005\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000>�\r\000�\201\000\000\001", '\0' <repeats 23 times>, "\004\003\000\000�ZϷ�tϷ\001\231·\177CϷ\033g\212H`\021ѷI", '\0' <repeats 11 times>, "\214\021ѷ"...
	value = <value optimized out>
	delegate_info = <value optimized out>
	magick_info = (const MagickInfo *) 0x85d51f8
	sans_exception = {severity = UndefinedException, error_number = 0, 
  reason = 0x0, description = 0x0, exceptions = 0x0, relinquish = MagickFalse, 
  semaphore = 0x0, signature = 2880220587}
	geometry_info = {rho = -2.4234402026444013e-39, 
  sigma = 1.5255922923504675e-314, xi = -1.1157951126063501e-38, 
  psi = -1.0508038529001009e-38, chi = -1.0848582260046771e-38}
	image = (Image *) 0xbffe37cc
	next = <value optimized out>
	read_info = (ImageInfo *) 0x87eba70
	flags = <value optimized out>
	__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "ReadImage"
#2  0xb7df9006 in DisplayImageCommand (image_info=0x880d000, argc=2, 
    argv=0x86d9e50, wand_unused_metadata=0x0, exception=0x85d1030)
    at wand/display.c:533
	images = <value optimized out>
	resource_value = <value optimized out>
	server_name = 0x0
	option = 0x86d9e78 "vid:*.jpg"
	display = (Display *) 0x8814558
	image = (Image *) 0x0
	image_stack = {{image_info = 0x880d000, image = 0x0}, {
    image_info = 0x0, image = 0x1}, {image_info = 0x0, image = 0x1}, {
    image_info = 0xb7ae9fdc, image = 0x86d9dd8}, {image_info = 0x67e7, 
    image = 0x0}, {image_info = 0x1, image = 0x86d9e00}, {
    image_info = 0xbffe5d70, image = 0xbffe5d64}, {image_info = 0xb80a7770, 
    image = 0xb7ea8a30}, {image_info = 0xb80c9858, image = 0xbffe5db0}, {
    image_info = 0xb80e6668, image = 0x804845c}, {image_info = 0xb7ea8a30, 
    image = 0x0}, {image_info = 0x0, image = 0xb80d885b}, {
    image_info = 0xb80c9a10, image = 0x0}, {image_info = 0x1, image = 0x1}, {
    image_info = 0x0, image = 0xb7eab03a}, {image_info = 0x5c0, 
    image = 0xb7e9e000}, {image_info = 0x1bca48, image = 0x1}, {
    image_info = 0xb7ea8a30, image = 0xb805996c}, {image_info = 0x85d5040, 
    image = 0x86d5cd0}, {image_info = 0xbffe5d88, image = 0xb80de300}, {
    image_info = 0xb7d11160, image = 0xb7f05810}, {image_info = 0x0, 
    image = 0xb80c9858}, {image_info = 0xbffe5d88, image = 0xb7f76437}, {
    image_info = 0x85d5040, image = 0xb7da3ce4}, {image_info = 0xb80c9b08, 
    image = 0x77f}, {image_info = 0xffffffff, image = 0xb80e5ff4}, {
    image_info = 0x8048274, image = 0xb80e6668}, {image_info = 0xbffe5dc0, 
    image = 0xb80d885b}, {image_info = 0xb80e6820, image = 0x0}, {
    image_info = 0x1, image = 0x1}, {image_info = 0x0, image = 0x804845c}, {
    image_info = 0x5, image = 0x0}, {image_info = 0x8049bfc, image = 0x1}}
	first_scene = 0
	image_number = 0
	iteration = 0
	j = 1
	k = 0
	l = <value optimized out>
	last_scene = 0
	scene = 0
	pend = 0
	status = 1
	quantize_info = (QuantizeInfo *) 0x88007a8
	i = 1
	iterations = 0
	last_image = 0
	state = 0
	resource_info = {resource_database = 0x8814c38, 
  image_info = 0x880d000, quantize_info = 0x88007a8, colors = 0, 
  close_server = MagickTrue, backdrop = MagickFalse, 
  background_color = 0xb8052871 "#d6d6d6d6d6d6", 
  border_color = 0xb8041b8b "#dfdfdf", client_name = 0x85d2150 "display", 
  colormap = SharedColormap, border_width = 2, delay = 1, 
  color_recovery = MagickFalse, confirm_exit = MagickFalse, 
  confirm_edit = MagickFalse, display_gamma = 0xb80528cd "2.2", font = 0x0, 
  font_name = {0xb803ef44 "fixed", 0xb803ef50 "variable", 0xb803ef5f "5x8", 
    0xb803ef69 "6x10", 0xb803ef74 "7x13bold", 0xb803ef83 "8x13bold", 
    0xb803ef92 "9x15bold", 0xb803efa1 "10x20", 0xb803efad "12x24", 
    0xb803ef44 "fixed", 0xb803ef44 "fixed"}, 
  foreground_color = 0xb8045b24 "#000", display_warnings = MagickTrue, 
  gamma_correct = MagickTrue, icon_geometry = 0x0, iconic = MagickFalse, 
  immutable = MagickFalse, image_geometry = 0x0, map_type = 0x0, 
  matte_color = 0x0, name = 0x0, magnify = 3, pause = 0, pen_colors = {
    0xb803ee9e "black", 0xb803eeaa "blue", 0xb803eeb5 "cyan", 
    0xb803eec0 "green", 0xb803eecc "gray", 0xb803eed7 "red", 
    0xb803eee1 "magenta", 0xb803eeef "yellow", 0xb803eefc "white", 
    0xb803eecc "gray", 0xb803eecc "gray"}, text_font = 0xb803ef44 "fixed", 
  title = 0x0, quantum = 1, update = 0, use_pixmap = MagickTrue, 
  use_shared_memory = MagickTrue, undo_cache = 16, visual_type = 0x0, 
  window_group = 0x0, window_id = 0x0, write_filename = 0x0, copy_image = 0x0, 
  gravity = 5, 
  home_directory = "/home/naoliv/canon/analandia-bona", '\0' <repeats 4062 times>}
	resource_database = (XrmDatabase) 0x8814c38
	__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "DisplayImageCommand"
#3  0x08048911 in main (argc=2, argv=0xbffe5eb4) at utilities/display.c:128
	option = 0xbffe6816 "vid:*.jpg"
	exception = (ExceptionInfo *) 0x85d1030
	image_info = (ImageInfo *) 0x86d5cd0
	regard_warnings = MagickFalse
	status = <value optimized out>
	i = <value optimized out>
The program is running.  Exit anyway? (y or n) 
(BTW, is it right to call display 'vid:*.jpg' like the user is doing?)

Thank you!

Re: Segmentation fault with display

Posted: 2008-09-11T08:57:18-07:00
by magick
Thanks for the problem report. We have patch for the problem you reported in the Subversion trunk (available sometime tomorrow) and it will be available in the next point release.

To fix the problem in your source distribution, edit coders/vid.c and change 'SetImageProgress(image,' to 'SetImageProgress(images,'.

Re: Segmentation fault with display

Posted: 2008-09-11T21:43:53-07:00
by anthony
naoliv wrote:(BTW, is it right to call display 'vid:*.jpg' like the user is doing?)
I have an IM Example doing just that, but you have to quote the '*' so IM expands it.
It is a special 'montage' input method.