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Older versions of Image Magick

Posted: 2008-10-07T07:30:15-07:00
by Lrdtalon
I am currently looking for version 6.2.5. Since i can't get image magick to work with out installing it, i need to install it. 6.2.5 is the only version that is DADMS apppoved, so consequently thats the only version i can install :( Can anyone help me? Also what version of perl does that one work with?

Re: Older versions of Image Magick

Posted: 2008-10-14T23:48:34-07:00
by anthony
Go to the source force archives of the older Imagemagicks. ... p_id=24099

Re: Older versions of Image Magick

Posted: 2014-01-24T03:39:25-07:00
by Carter J

I want 6.8.7-5 version of ImageMagick. I want to install this ImageMagick on my Windows 7 Machine.

Can someone post the link for me


Re: Older versions of Image Magick

Posted: 2014-01-24T10:48:21-07:00
by fmw42
As far as I know, there are no archives of binary versions of IM. The source code archives are usually just the 6.x.x-10 versions.

Re: Older versions of Image Magick

Posted: 2014-01-25T20:17:13-07:00
by glennrp
We don't archive binaries, and only archive the ImageMagick-x.y.z-10 sources. If you need a particular
version that is not "something-10", you can download the source from the SVN repository and build it. According
to the ChangeLog, the one you are interested in is "2013-11-08 New version 6.8.7-5, SVN revision 13682."

I'm a little curious about why you would need that particular version and not the most recent, which is 6.8.8-2 and is
still available for download from the and sites.

Re: Older versions of Image Magick

Posted: 2014-04-17T22:56:45-07:00
by ncrause
I can answer that question - it seems to be one of the issues when trying to use php_imagick on IIS. PHP 5.3 for IIS is compiled using MSVC 2008, whereas the latest version of ImageMagick appears to using MSVC 2010. From some of the forums I've read, the two versions of MSVC don't talk nicely to each other. This is the reason I've been looking for legacy versions (without any luck, I might add), because I'm at wit's end trying to figure out why php_imagick fails to load.

Re: Older versions of Image Magick

Posted: 2014-04-18T00:23:52-07:00
by fmw42