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has -contrast-stretch been changed in IM 6.4.4-9?

Posted: 2008-10-17T10:18:47-07:00
by fmw42
With regard to all the discussion at viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12272:

I have been working on a script that uses -contrast-stretch. Yesterday under IM 6.4.4-8, it was working fine using:

-contrast-stretch 1%x99% in order to clip 1% off each end of the histogram

Today I installed IM 6.4.4.-9 only to find that the same command made no change in the image. So on a hunch I tried

-contrast-stretch 1%x1% in order to clip 1% off each end of the histogram

and found that I now got the same result as yesterday using 1%x99%

So I assume that the change discussed in viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12272: has been implemented but I don't see any reply to this post or note in the changelog or in the options documentation.

Can someone confirm, please, so that I may continue with my script and put traps in for the IM version change.

If this has been changed, let me know if you want me to try to edit the options page about it.


P.S. As I have not heard back, I have edited the options page for -contrast-stretch to reflect this change. Let me know if the change was not intentional.

I have also uploaded a new script, clip, to my web site that does a stretch using either -levels or -contrast-stretch according to the clip amounts specified (as either count or percent count).