'convert foo.jpg bar.j2c' fails
Posted: 2008-10-17T14:51:14-07:00
I searched this bug forum and did not find any mention of this bug so I figured I would mention it. When I run the following command I don't get an error, however the conversion does not happen -- the resulting file is still JPEG:
When I run 'identify bar.j2c' I find that it is a JPEG image. Also fails for PNG, MIFF, and BMP images. Didn't try any others.
I also can't create a fresh j2c image using ImageMagick. For instance, the following command fails:
However, I can take an original j2c image and make it white:
The new file bar.j2c will correctly be j2c, and will be all white.
The fact that ImageMagick can write out a white j2c file in one case, but not the other must be a bug.
My specs:
ImageMagick 6.3.7
Ubuntu 8.04
(Also busted on custom build of ImageMagick 6.4.4)
Code: Select all
$ convert foo.jpg bar.j2c
I also can't create a fresh j2c image using ImageMagick. For instance, the following command fails:
Code: Select all
$ convert -size 256x256 xc:white canvas_white.j2c
convert: no encode delegate for this image format `canvas_white.j2c'.
Code: Select all
$ convert -white-threshold 0 foo.j2c bar.j2c
The fact that ImageMagick can write out a white j2c file in one case, but not the other must be a bug.
My specs:
ImageMagick 6.3.7
Ubuntu 8.04
(Also busted on custom build of ImageMagick 6.4.4)