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Re: output layers of pSD file to gif

Posted: 2008-10-29T09:57:16-07:00
by fmw42
cuongvt wrote:I found strange problem is that when I convert a psd file (multiple layers) to jpg files with command
convert aaa.psd aaa.jpg, it atomatically extract all layers to seperate files: aaa-0.jpg, aaa-1.jpg, aaa-2.jpg.
But when I extracted them to gif file: convert aaa.psd aaa.gif, it merge all layers then output only aaa.gif file.
How can I extract each layer to seperate gif file?
convert aaa.psd aaa-%d.gif

Re: output layers of pSD file to gif

Posted: 2008-10-29T18:14:59-07:00
by anthony
The difference is that JPEG can not hold more than one image per file.
GIF can, so IM stores it all in one file.

See IM Examples, File Handling, Writing a Multi-Image Sequence

There are a number of ways to handle this.
Including options for specifying the start point for the numbers.