IM is a application, and while it now have multi-processor handling for its algorithms it does not have any queuing mechinism.
Of course that does not stop you from using a shell wrapper to call multiple convert commands, starting a new one as older ones finish.
On aspect I am hoping to work on in IM version 7 development, is a single pass pipelined version of convert. That is a 'convert' (or whatever it will be called, whcih can read commands from a pipeline.
What this will allow, is for direct (no shell) IM scripts.
But it will also allow for the possibility of a 'daemon child' process.
controlled by a parent process.
The 'daemon' processing command will never need to exit, but can receive new jobs (image command settings and operations)
and executes them immediately they have been received. The parent process can then get the daemon to read, process and write images, completely under that parent process control, which the parent process decides what the next step will be.
This 'daemon' technique will remove the need for multiple IM commands, startup and stoping configuration times, interfering shell parsing, and should work well with API's and more complex image processing tasks (such as photo album handling).
See the text file notes on my proposed changes. ... ations.txt