Converting Tiffs created by Photoshop CS4

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Converting Tiffs created by Photoshop CS4

Post by elf »

I'm getting the following error:
C:\>convert tif:P8146014_u025_6100_08.TIF P8146014_u025_6100_08.jpg
convert: P8146014_u025_6100_08.TIF: unknown field with tag 34858 (0x882a) encountered. `TIFFReadDirectory'.

Is it a problem with the way Photoshop is creating the tiff files or is the command incorrect? The tiff file is 8 bit. ImageMagick was installed from here: ImageMagick-6.4.5-4-Q16-windows-static.exe
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Re: Converting Tiffs created by Photoshop CS4

Post by magick »

The TIFF standard supports both well-defined and proprietary tags. If the TIFF delegate library encounters a tag it does not know about it throws an exception-- however the exception in this case is a warning and in general can be safely ignored.

Re: Converting Tiffs created by Photoshop CS4

Post by elf »

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