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Posted: 2008-11-25T04:29:51-07:00
by gpalmer711
Has anyone been able to get the setFontWeight method of the ImagickDraw class to function at all?

The following snippet works fine other than the setFontWeight part.

Code: Select all

// Set the base variables and get any that have been passed in
$textColor = "#000000";
$fontSize = 20;
$line1 = "Example";
$strFont = "fonts/MyriadPro-Bold.otf";

// Generate the images used to compose the template
$imgButtonText = new Imagick();

//Create new draw instance and set up the font settings
$imgTitle = new ImagickDraw();


// Set the size of the text box and the bg color/transparency
$imgButtonText->newImage(153, 58, "white");
$imgButtonText->paintTransparentImage("white", 0.0, 0.0);

// Add text to the textbox
//output the new image
header('Content-type: image/png');
echo $imgButtonText;

//destroy the new image