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Wontfix? convert -rotate does not transform thumbnail

Posted: 2008-12-22T13:21:40-07:00
by broucaries

Doing a convert -rotate on jpeg file does not rotate the exim thumbnail.

I suppose this bug like viewtopic.php?f=2&t=12355
is a wont fix?



Re: Wontfix? convert -rotate does not transform thumbnail

Posted: 2008-12-22T13:42:15-07:00
by magick
This feature request is on our list of things to do. We currently do not have an ETA on a fix for this problem.

Re: Wontfix? convert -rotate does not transform thumbnail

Posted: 2009-01-04T21:26:56-07:00
by anthony
This problem is not just for rotate, but for any other image manipulation operation as well.

A better approach may be for the thumbnail to be re-generated by a JPEG specific external program.

A program (such as jhead) can replace the thumbnail EXIF image (-st option), though I think it has some limitations. the program can even call ImageMagick (the -rgt option) to regenerate the thumbnail form the actual image, but only if it already exists.

Does anyone else know of JPEG EXIF thumbnail replacement or update alturnatives?

Re: Wontfix? convert -rotate does not transform thumbnail

Posted: 2009-02-10T08:35:40-07:00
by signsrus
It also looks as though if the jpg has already been rotated that it cannot be converted; at least to a png. Is there anyway to just skip reading the exif information or something? Thanks

Re: Wontfix? convert -rotate does not transform thumbnail

Posted: 2009-02-10T18:15:01-07:00
by anthony
signsrus wrote:It also looks as though if the jpg has already been rotated that it cannot be converted; at least to a png. Is there anyway to just skip reading the exif information or something? Thanks
What do you mean 'cannot be converted'???

It should always be able to convert, as long as the JPG is not corrupted!

Re: Wontfix? convert -rotate does not transform thumbnail

Posted: 2009-02-23T12:23:36-07:00
by signsrus
sorry, I mean I can't use -convert to change it into a png.