convert bug in 6.4.8?

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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convert bug in 6.4.8?

Post by lysine »

So this is an interesting issue.
6.4.6 worked fine
6.4.7 worked fine.

The command is

"C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.4.8-Q16\convert.exe" *.png test.gif

This works fine to combine a bunch of png's into a gif.


but when there is a directory in there as well. Convert will crash.

like so

01/07/2009 02:17 PM 5,559 001.png
01/07/2009 02:17 PM 5,483 002.png
01/07/2009 02:17 PM 6,075 003.png
01/07/2009 02:17 PM 5,719 004.png
01/07/2009 02:17 PM 5,380 005.png
01/07/2009 03:03 PM <DIR> crashme

Re: convert bug in 6.4.8?

Post by lysine »

Traced bug to this line, but I don't really understand it enough to fix it. ... 3425695634

Re: convert bug in 6.4.8?

Post by lysine »

Alright the problem seems to be....

if (access(path,X_OK) != 0)

X_OK is defined as 1.

According to MSDN ... 80%29.aspx

It takes 0 | 2 | 4 | 6

So I set it to 4 and it worked fine for me.
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Re: convert bug in 6.4.8?

Post by magick »

Thanks for the problem analysis. We will get a patch into the next point release of ImageMagick.
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