I am trying to convert from CGM to JPG using ImageMagick 6.4.2 (08/06/08 Q16) on Windows.
According to the formats page (http://www.imagemagick.org/script/formats.php) ralcgm is required, so I followed the link to the RALCGM page and attempted to download the Windows version. Unfortunately the FTP link doesn't seem to work.
So, instead, I installed ralcgm from this site: http://xd.chem.buffalo.edu/download.html and then added the directory containing ralcgm to my PATH.
When I try to convert a CGM file (convert myimage.cgm test.jpg) I see the errors shown below - the first one is about a missing dll (IM_MOD_RL_CGM_.dll).
I have seen a number of posts about this issue but no solution.
Can anyone help? Has anyone got CGM conversions working successfully on Windows?
convert: `%s': %s ralcgm -d ps "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/magick-IV3rJq
xW" "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/magick-RigqlWqQ" "C:/Users/Martin/AppDat
a/Local/Temp/magick-WWCDKQAF" convert -concatenate C:/Users/Martin/AppData/L
ocal/Temp/magick-RigqlWqQ*.ps "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/magick-RigqlWq
convert: Delegate failed `ralcgm -d ps "%i" "%o" "%u" convert -concatenate %
o*.ps "%o"'.
convert: unable to open image `C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/magick-I5rs1r7
7': No such file or directory.
convert: unable to open module file `C:\Program Files\ImageMagick\modules\coders
\IM_MOD_RL_CGM_.dll': No such file or directory.
convert: unable to open file `C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/magick-I5rs1r77
': No such file or directory.
convert: missing an image filename `test.jpg'.
Converting CGM images on Windows
Re: Converting CGM images on Windows
I found a RALCGM installation at http://technologytales.com/tag/ralcgm/. I didn't test it; I was looking for the linux version.
- fmw42
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Re: Converting CGM images on Windows
It either did not install fully or you need to reinstall IM after installing any delegate.
convert -list configure
Look at the DELEGATES line to see what IM thinks is installed.
convert -list configure
Look at the DELEGATES line to see what IM thinks is installed.