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PCD => JPEG conversion broke between 6.4.0 and 6.4.8?

Posted: 2009-01-13T00:48:13-07:00
by fearless_fool
I have two machines, both running Mac OS 10.5.6. Machine A has convert version 6.4.0, Machine B has convert version 6.4.8.

Consider the following command:

Code: Select all

% convert "./test/IMG0101.PCD[4]" -quality 100 "./test/IMG0101.jpg"
Machine A, running convert version 6.4.0, produces the desired results: a 1536 x 1024 jpeg file that looks accurate.

Machine B, running convert version 6.4.8, produces a 1536 x 1024 jpeg with a mangled color map: white areas render as predominantly green, and other parts appear to be "solarized".

Side note 1: Machine B produces the same mangled color map regardless of the "index" (size) argument (e.g. the [4] in the example above).

Side note 2: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8685&hilit=pcd makes passing reference to mangled colors, but was referring to version 6.3.3.

Side note 3: Both versions of convert complain about "Corrupt PCD image, skipping to sync byte" when the index is 5 or larger, however it doesn't appear to affect the output. I will file this as a separate bug report if anyone cares.

Let me know if I can provide files for tests or other additional information that will help get to the root cause.



Re: PCD => JPEG conversion broke between 6.4.0 and 6.4.8?

Posted: 2009-01-13T15:33:46-07:00
by fearless_fool
P.S.: Belying my status as a port neophyte, why does uninstall/install ImageMagick on Machine A re-install 6.4.0 rather than upgrade to 6.4.8? I thought the contract of uninstall was to get rid of the module altogether, and the contract of install was to fetch the latest version. I only ask here in case it somehow indicates a library mis-match which could lead to the observed problem.
