Code: Select all
$ convert -background transparent -size 750x300 test.mvg test_gradstroke.png
Here's the gradfill.miff image used in the pattern:
Here's the test.mvg file itself:
Code: Select all
font-size 15
stroke "transparent"
fill "black"
text 0,15 'stroke color=yellow, width=3 and fill=red'
text 0,100 'stroke color=yellow, width=2 and fill_pattern=gradient'
text 0,200 'ERROR - stroke color=yellow, width=3 and fill_pattern=gradient'
font-size 65
stroke "yellow"
stroke-width 3
fill "red"
text 0,85 'E'
text 40,85 'n'
text 80,85 'd'
text 120,85 '-'
text 160,85 'Á'
text 200,85 'É'
text 240,85 'Í'
text 265,85 'Ó'
text 320,85 '-'
text 360,85 'E'
text 400,85 'n'
text 440,85 'd'
font-size 65
stroke "yellow"
stroke-width 2
push defs
push pattern gradient 0 0 750 300
push graphic-context
image Over 0,0,0,0 'gradfill.miff'
pop graphic-context
pop pattern
pop defs
fill "gradient"
text 0,170 'E'
text 40,170 'n'
text 80,170 'd'
text 120,170 '-'
text 160,170 'Á'
text 200,170 'É'
text 240,170 'Í'
text 265,170 'Ó'
text 320,170 '-'
text 360,170 'E'
text 400,170 'n'
text 440,170 'd'
font-size 65
stroke "yellow"
stroke-width 3
fill "gradient"
text 0,270 'E'
text 40,270 'n'
text 80,270 'd'
text 120,270 '-'
text 160,270 'Á'
text 200,270 'É'
text 240,270 'Í'
text 265,270 'Ó'
text 320,270 '-'
text 360,270 'E'
text 400,270 'n'
text 440,270 'd'