My script works sucessfully on an image that is on my server, but I now need to get it to take an image from a URL, instead of a local file. What I'm actually needing to do is to open a list of URL's, and crunch through each, one at a time, but I can work on the bigger picture later. So my question is:
How do I get it read a URL (for example instead of a local file.
An extract from my script here - just for reference, in case it helps:
I hope I've explained the question right, but to clarify, on Line 3 instead of Read('image1.jpg'), I want to read a URL - but simply replacing this with a URL doesn't work.################################
use Image::Magick;
my $image = Image::Magick->new(magick=>'JPEG');
my $x = $image->Read('image1.jpg');
$x = $image->Resize(geometry=>'320x');
$image->Crop(height=>'212', gravity=>'Center');
$image->Annotate(x=>'200', y=>'197', font=>'kai.ttf', pointsize=>12, fill=>'white', text=>'MyText');
$x = $image->Write('temp1.jpg');
Can anyone help? Be really appreciated if you can.
Many thanks